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Affinity Photo 1.8.3 non si apre dopo aggiornamento a Win 10 2004

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dopo aver aggiornato Windows 10 alla versione 2004 (May 2020 Update) il programma non si apre e non ne risulta traccia in "Gestione Attività".

Ho disinstallato Photo, pensando che una successiva installazione avrebbe risolto il problema, ma il programma di installazione non parte, nemmeno se lanciato come amministratore.

Grazie mille a chi vorrà o saprà aiutarmi.

Amadio Parolini

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Hi paro,

Can you confirm if you have multiple monitors?

I think this is to do with colour profiles. Can you go into Windows colour management and uncheck the option for 'use my settings for this device'. Also try making sure you're using sRGB.

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Hi Chris B,

I was using the monitor with profile emulation REC709, but the problem still remained with other monitor profile settings.

I use monitor profiles and calibrations according to the destination of the images,

one for printing, (custom profile)

one for publication on the WEB ( sRGB with monitor calibration )

one for the creation of audiovisuals ( REC709 with monitor calibration )

Good day and good work

Amadio Parolini


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