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If you purchased your Affinity app from the Affinity Store, your licence details will be stored in an .xml file which can be found in the below locations, depending on the operating system you're using. Deleting the Licence.xml file will remove the licence details used by the app prompting you to re-enter your licence details when you next launch the app.

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Affinity\{APPNAME}\1.0\licence.xml or C:\Program Files\Affinity\{APPNAME}\licence.xml
  • macOS: /Users/{USERNAME}/Library/Group Containers/6LVTQB9699.com.seriflabs/{APPNAME}/licence.xml

If you're having problems navigating to one of the the above folders, try the following:

  • On Windows: Open the Run window ( Win ) and enter the above path or use the address bar in File Explorer enter the above path and press Enter.
  • On macOS: Open Finder and press SHIFT + CMD + G and enter the above path.
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