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I am currently layouting a photo book (330x240mm) with 500-600 pages in Affinity Publisher on my Mac.

Unfortunately, the memory consumption of Publisher is huge. I set the memory limit in Publisher to 28 GB (out of 32 GB I have in total) and disk warning to 64 GB. I have 500GB free space on my SSD and Publisher takes about 351GB while saving the document. Sometimes while moving pictures it crashes (but luckily keeps a backup file) and saving the file takes ages.

The pictures are all linked and do have less than 10GB in total in full resolution. Is this a common behavior or is there anything I can do to fix this. Really looks like kind of a memory leak and is not fun working at all.

Maybe you do also have some performance recommendations for my 15inch 2018 MacBook Pro with Radeon Pro 560X 4 GB, 2,9 GHz 6-core i9, 36 GB RAM and 1TB SSD?

Thank you so much in advance! I really would love to do this project with Publisher and not go back to InDesign.



hi there Tim

I'm also want to know why the program uses so much memory, and why it opens a file so slowly, ( it's a 360 page, 315x240mm book file, with 80% linked images) I have 32 GB of 3200MHz DDR memory, 500GB space on a fast SSD, CPU 8-core 16-wire processor...  Could it be that the undo limit options are excessive? since they have 1024 steps. Another question is: why do the Preferences screen show the processor and select the GPU by default? What does the WARP option mean?

Hope some guys here can solve this questions


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @stokerg, yes it is exactly the same same issue.

I personally reduced the pages and currently I am able to work without this issue (but some others) again. It should be easy to reproduce by creating a document and filling like 600 pages or something with fullsized pictures >300dpi and the issue probably will happen at some stage as well. Pretty much depends on how much RAM you have available but when trying with a lower equipped laptop (e.g. 16 GB RAM) it should happen even earlier. 

After deleting those many pages (with the images on them) it will slowly beginn to be useable again.

  • 1 month later...

Hi @Tim Nikischin and @stokerg

I do experience the same issue while I'm creating a 100 pages photo book with only 1 rvb pic per page at 300 dpi. All images are linked and not incorporated. Affinity Publisher file weight is 15 Mo and the pics total weight is 2.5 Go. I limited the undo steps at 100. But yet, every time I launch the file it takes a looong time to open and moooore time to save. Sometimes AP crashes. When I look at my Activity Monitor, it says AP uses almost all capacity of my CPU (i7 quad core) and memory (16 Go). 😩


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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