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When I try to open a pdf (17xA1, pdf version 1.3, pdf producer- Adobe pdf library 15.0, app-adobe indesign cc13.1 mac) some of the pages seem sliced with text as image and then editable text overlayed so I am unable to replace the text without having to remove and recreate the rasterized text slices. how can I open a pdf correctly.

I can send a pdf I am having problems with via private link if possible.



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I've been opening the PDF file in other apps to see how they handle it and it's the same. Opened in Adobe Illustrator, note that the background has also been broken into tiles, this also happens in Publisher so I suspect this was due to the app that created the original.

It may involve more work but I would consider correcting the issues such as the text and tiled background using Publisher and then export to a new PDF file

Sorry for the disappointing news.


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Yo también tengo problemas tras haber exportado en Designer un archivo a pdf. Cuando lo vuelvo a abrir en el mismo programa todos los cuadros de texto se han convertido a curvas, con lo que no puedo hacer una modificación y me obliga a guardar el pdf y el archivo .afdesign

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