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Hi guys,

First of all - big thank you for: IDML support,  New Document dialog, Preflight Check and Smart Object. Brilliant, brilliant things. :)

Now for the things that need to be updated or changes or fixed:

Distance between objects: I noticed you made a little change to the displaying the distance between objects. However many times it is still cover by the top handling line and the numbers cannot be seen. And also - since this update I am unable to see the distance between any two objects next to each other. For example - I have a text box, under which is a picture frame, then another text box, line divider and another text box. And when moving the top text box, instead of showing the distance between that box and the picture frame, it shows the distance to the next text box. Which doesn't make sense to me. I absolutely need to be able to see the distance while moving the certain elements. (under snapping I have everything enabled for all the layers - except for Force Pixel Alignment). Am I missing something here?

Preferences: still a big mess unfortunately. Especially the Search feature. Which doesn't work at all. There is a lenghty post on this topic already somewhere here and nothing has changed since tha post yet....

Escape & Transform panel: When making changes in Transform panel, like changing the size of the element or changing its position, and I press Escape, it should definitely take me back to the canvas to the Move tool. I am using keyboard shortcuts whenever possible and I move elements many many times by using keyboard arrows. When I make a size change in the Transform panel and then press Escape, I would expect that I will be able to use arows to further move the element. But the cursor stays in the Transform panel and arrows will only change whatever value is there - angle, position etc... I have to click inside the canvas to get out of the Transform and use the Move tool again.

On all the screenshots you can see the problem related to the objects' distances. On two screenshots you also see the problem with the distance number not fully visible. What would help here would be either the numbers nex to the line and not directly on it. Or - which is a better solution I think - displying the number horizontaly next to the line. 


Screenshot 2020-02-26 at 20.59.07.png

Screenshot 2020-02-26 at 20.59.34.png

Screenshot 2020-02-26 at 21.00.10.png


OK, it seems that the problem is with the Picture Frame. The app just doesn't see these and therefore the distance is measured to the other nearest element.

Is this a bug or a new feature? :)

It doesnt' make much sense to exclude pictures.

15 hours ago, brunoczech said:

And also - since this update I am unable to see the distance between any two objects next to each other.

I think the numbers only show when snapping happens. In my system pictures aren't excluded but they will ignored if they are not snapping or being snapped to another object. I don't think there is a measurement/distance tool as such.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

14 minutes ago, MickRose said:

I think the numbers only show when snapping happens. In my system pictures aren't excluded but they will ignored if they are not snapping or being snapped to another object. I don't think there is a measurement/distance tool as such.

Excatly - but the picture frame are apparently not included in this snapping mechanism.

As I said above - under Snapping Preferences I have everything enabled for all the layers - except for Force Pixel Alignment.

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