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Please see the attached Video:
same Picture (JPG: 3000x4000), placed in Powerpoint 2013 and in most recent Publisher Beta.

Note how much more CPU-Load Publisher generates for the same task (moving the Picture around) compared to PowerPoint.
I also wonder why Kernel-Load is (a bit) higher in Publisher.. 

Please don´t discuss that Powerpoint can not be compared to Publisher because of different use-cases etc.
I know... but I expect a graphics application to handle images better/faster/... than an "boring" Office-Application.
Sadly the opposite is true.


kind regards

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Comparing against office 2019 it looks as if PowerPoint utilises the GPU as well but Affinity Publisher doesn't. In fact on that basis both applications seem to use about the same amount of processing power just from different sources.

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11 hours ago, CarlM said:

Comparing against office 2019 it looks as if (...) both applications seem to use about the same amount of processing power (...)

Since I do not have Office 2019 I can not compare, but besides of comparing:

How can "moving a Picture around on an empty sheet" cost so much CPU-Power??

just one page
just one image
all snapping disabled
no other content = no calculations regarding "coverage" or "wrapping" etc.

i5-4590, 16GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro 64 german, SSDs only, NVidia GTX1050ti


kind regards

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Hi Fritz

There is a similar resource use moving an image around a blank sheet in Photoshop 2020. Photoshop uses both the CPU and GPU and the combination of both comes to approximately the same amount. In other words Publisher isn't alone - every application that deals with images faces the same issue. Moving an image around may seem simple but to do so smoothly requires an enormous amount of processing. I'm not sure why you consider this a problem though. It's not as if you're constantly moving the image while doing something else, for example and from your video there doesn't appear to be any impact other than the CPU loading while the image is being moved.



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4 hours ago, CarlM said:

Moving an image around may seem simple but to do so smoothly requires an enormous amount of processing.

...but (at least on my computer) this task is done more smoothly by old Powerpoint. That is far from what I expected...


I'm not sure why you consider this a problem though.

I have seen again and again postings here about performance-issues from people who have used Adobe-Applications before.
Therefore I just wanted to check this to see: are those people just complaining because its different ("creature of habit") or if there is something to it.


It's not as if you're constantly moving the image

I guess this happens a lot in Publisher (or DTP in general..).


...from your video there doesn't appear to be any impact other than the CPU loading while the image is being moved

But imagine a real-world-situation where the user has some other applications running in parallel... (Mail-Application, web-browser, Music-Streaming-App, VirusScan, Backup-Software, all the Windows 10 - crap, etc.)
How much worse is the performance of Publisher in such a situation ?


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  • 2 months later...
  • Staff


Thank you for reporting a problem using the pre 1.8.0 beta builds. It appears that a member of the Affinity QA team didn't get round to fully investigating this specific report posted in the bugs forums. We are very sorry for this oversight. Yours is one of a number of reports that I am posting this apology to, using an automated script. 

Now we have released 1.8.3 on all platforms containing many hundreds of bug fixes, and we hope your problem has already been fully addressed. If you still have this problem in the 1.8.3 release build, then the QA team would really appreciate you reporting again it in the relevant Bugs forum.

Each of those links above contains instructions how best to report a bug to us. If that is what you already did in this thread just copy paste your original report into a new thread. We appreciate all the information that you have including sample files and screen shots to help us replicate your problem.

This thread has now been locked as the QA team are not following the threads to which this automatic reply is made, which is why we would appreciate a new bug report if you are still have this problem in the release build.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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