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[1.8bx] Can't export to pdf and convert from cmyk to rgb in 1.8b

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Just noticed that a couple docs created in 1.7.3 that are designed to be both printed (cmyk) as well as used for web download/viewing as rgb cannot be exported for pdf in 1.8 (not sure which beta this started in). The doc (4-pages) is a cmyk. But in 1.7.3 we exported a Web 192dpi rgb version using the More/Convert Image Color Space. In 1.7.3, the resulting pdf is rgb and no problems with it. In b549 using the same doc (opened in b549) and same export settings, several pics, graphics, etc are not being exported at all or correctly. Problems all over the doc. You should already have this doc (Clean Water 2019 - FW - 4pg.afpub) but can upload if you need it. I'm guessing that it is having problems converting some of the items. Worked fine in 1.7.3, so looks like a regression of some sort.

"More" pane settings attached. Started with PDF/Web/192 dpi + the More settings.


Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 3.05.44 PM.png


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I used the old link to upload:

  1. The original 1.7.3 file, but embedded resources.
  2. The PDF output from 1.7.3 with rgb conversion
  3. The beta 549 converted file with embedded resources.
  4. The PDF output from b549 with the same settings for rgb conversion.


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Thanks nwhit, all the files were helpful.

I'm fairly certain this is an issue we have logged and that has a potential fix in place already, but I've logged it regardless so we can make sure when we get a build with that fix in (it might be the one after the next one on the forums...)

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Thanks. Just tried in today's beta, 556, but same problems. Hopefully the next one fixes it.


New: 2023 Mac Studio M2 MAX 12-Core CPU/38-Core GPU 64GB Memory • 5k Studio Display • Sonoma
Prev: 2020 iMac 27 i7 (5k Rez), 72GB, AMD Radeon Pro 5700XT 16GB • Sonoma
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