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I found a bug in the export to PDF option.

To recreate the bug, just place a random object in a new document (a photo or a box with a color fill) and write something on top of it in black.

Export to PDF with the "Rasterize unsupported properties" or "Rasterize nothing".

If you go check the PDF, the black text should be overprinting the other object you placed, which is the right behaviour.

If you export the same document to PDF wiht the "Rasterize everything" enabled, and check the PDF, you will see that the black text is not overprinting, which is the wrong behaviour.

I've reproduced this behaviour everytime, in multiple tests, both with the current release and the current Beta.


3 hours ago, Pauls said:

Rasterize everthing will basically turn it into a bitmap so the behaviour is as intended.

Sorry to disagree but, the majority of bitmap softwares usually do the opposite. They will turn pure black into composite black (our rich black) when rasterizing.

Raster Image Processors (RIPs) will respect the settings applied and, if a color is set to overprint, then it overprints .

Affinity Publisher, as a DTP software, should also honour the settings applied. Instead it's doing the opposite, when rasterizing it's knocking out the black, dispite it being set to overprint. That's a tottaly different behaviour of other softwares and  the exact opposite of the expected behaviour.

  • 4 weeks later...

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