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  1. I can't get Designer to save my files in any folder containing my work. Every time I click on SAVE AS, name the file, and select a location, I get the warning: "Save failed because you do not have permission to create a file in that location." We're even talking about my Documents folder. Why would I not have permission to save files in my Documents folder? Just to reassure myself, I did a Get-Info on the Document folder and, for sure, I have the permission to Read and Write to that location. Also, I can't open a .jpg created by Photo because Designer doesn't recognize the file type. Again, this is the same .jpg that caused Photo to freeze after creating and saving it. Can someone tell my what may be happening here? With freezes and failures to save and open files, I haven't been able to work for days.
  2. I saw many people who is complaining about history panel behavior on Twitter. If they select a object while rolling back the history, history later than the point they selected will be erased. I know this is normal behavior in Affinity and I don't have a problem. But they are familiar with Photoshop's behavior that selecting a object doesn't affect the history. They blame Affinity that this is a flaw of the program. So I think it would be better to show warning when they select a object while rolling back the history.
  3. This is just a small tip/warning but it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Since Designer has the Pixel persona one has to be aware that there is the second type of selection - the pixel selection. The first type is obviously the object selection (selection box). If you are working with both types of selections (switching to Pixel persona and back) at one point you may forget to clear the pixel selection (deselect) or you may create the pixel selection accidentaly. And that might cause problems/confusion later on. This happened to me: While in Draw persona I selected a pixel object and noticed that the selection (bounding) box is completely off the object and has a different size: I thought that it had to be some kind of a bug. It took me a while to figure out that it is in fact a forgotten (or accidental) pixel selection. So ultimately Ctrl + d solved this issue. So if something is off with your object selection box or you get any sort of weird behavior alway try Ctrl + d. Maybe this is too obvious but you never know... Anyway I just wanted to share this.
  4. So when i used to start AFFINITY PHOTO and DESIGNER ( PC ), it would tell me there is an update available upon startup. Now nothing. Found out about it on facebook. How do i fix this so I get these update alerts again? Gary
  5. In certain circumstances the preferences allow the setting of keyboard shortcuts that don't make sense, or clash with existing shortcuts without giving a warning. Two examples I found this evening… Setting Zoom 100%, 200% 400% etc to the keys 1, 2, 4 with no modifier is accepted without warning that this clashes with the global transparency shortcut, which already uses the digits 0 through 9. Setting Geometry > Add, Subtract etc to the keys Alt + 1, Alt + 2 etc is accepted without warning that this will always create compounds, since Alt is already reserved as an additional modifier for these geometry operations. Also (since I am talking about keyboard shortcuts) please can I bump these earlier requests… Pen Tool Mode Selection Shortcut Search Keyboard Shortcuts Make Numeric Keypad Distinct From Digits <-allows for 16 new keys + modifiers!! Thanks.
  6. tl;dr Feature Request: If the file has not been save, AD / AP should prompt you to save before invoking a File > Edit in… action. Here's a not so fun little exercise… Start a new file in AD. Create some stuff (ideally spend a good hour making something really gorgeous). Important: Do not save your work! Now click File > Edit in Photo. AD kindly closes your file (without prompting you to save). AP now opens your (temporary) file. Now close AP. AP will warn you that the file is unsaved… BUT since you haven't actually made any changes in AP, you figure that there is nothing to save - right? Click 'No' and AP graciously closes the file. Now neither AD not AP have any record of the file ever existing, and your work is gone. OK - it is a rather convoluted example, and yes it is to some degree my fault, but I do think Affinity ought to try to save you from your own stupidity!
  7. When exporting a PNG about 3000x3000 or higher, at the end of the export it fails giving an error about not embedding metadata. The resulting file is not saved sometimes, and if it is, it is unusable.
  8. I thought it would be nice if there was a way to have designer show us or warn us if we use lines that are too thin to be printed (not a warning every time you use or make a line though). I was thinking something like a gamut warning in a photo app. If you selected the "line warning" in the Views, it would highlight lines that might be a problem if they went to print. That way we would know which lines to make thicker. I worked for a publishing company before and one problem that we often had was designers would use lines that show up on screen but wouldn't print because they were too thin. Hokusai
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