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Found 10 results

  1. I needed to get some drawing practice in and I had done a Robby the Robot a few years ago so why not the other robot designed by the same guy? The transparent parts were a challenge as they are curved and rounded. I used about 4 references, all had minor differences that will bother fans looking for a precise copy of the real thing but I am not even a fan of the show... just the tech. I mike do the Jupiter 2 spaceship and the Chariot transport of I find I have time.
  2. I haven't been totally idle! Bit different than I normally do.
  3. Getting up to speed with Designer on iOS. I’ll hopefully rig these two in Unity when they’re done - which is another thing I need to get up to speed on.
  4. As part of my scheme to transfer from natural media to digital illustration, I set myself an exercise of making a sci-fi book cover illustration. Not that you see much of this sort of thing these days, but I was a big fan of Chris Foss in the 70s when his work was gracing the covers of many books. One thing I missed during the process of making this image is a way to warp and tilt objects. Perhaps I'm just missing something. Anyway, I think I'd be confident to present vector artwork files to my illustration clients at this stage. I tried to go digital in the early naughties with a program called Painter but it was a disaster for me -I was trying to use the program like natural media and the quality plummeted! I've also attached the initial scamp which was also done in AD in the Pixel Persona using my Wacom Bamboo tablet.
  5. Hi all, I'm thinking of ways that I can use old illustrations of mine and give them new life. I have all my acrylics artwork scanned and archived. A2 Poster: Coffeebot. Approved by the US Fed. Bureau of Caffeine Control and HM Ministry of Beverages.
  6. papakpak


    Hello! It's my first work at AD. i hope you like it. Feel free to comment
  7. Hi, this is my first character made in Affinity Design Windows Beta, this is to use in some animations, also y post it in our Devian Art Chanel if you like please join us in there, be friends and show your art made with Affinity to other who dont have it. Here is the link to the full version at Devian Art http://affinitydesigner.deviantart.com/art/Roby-Robot1-619239522
  8. I have a series of paper craft robots. Three years ago I made a Santa Clause robot, then a reindeer robot, and this year I've added elf robots. The fold patterns were created in SketchUp, and the artwork was done in both AP and AD. All the textures are assembled from photos that I am constantly shooting.
  9. Just saw this a couple of days ago, a tutorial for newbies like me on how to Create a Friendly, Futuristic Robot in Affinity Designer :)
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