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Found 12 results

  1. Hello, when I copy an element from my current work plan, it sticks to the location of the original: this seems normal, it's very practical and what has been happening since the dawn of time... But if I copy an element located outside my work surface on the pasteboard, when I paste it, it does not stick in the same location as the original, but on my work surface, which does not seem at all practical to me at all !… 😡 Bonjour, quand je copie un élément de mon plan de travail courant, il se colle à l'emplacement de l'original : cela semble normal, c'est très pratique et ce qui se passe depuis la nuit des temps... Mais si je copie un élément situé hors de mon plan de travail sur le pasteboard, quand je le colle, il ne se colle pas au même emplacement que l'original, mais sur mon plan de travail, ce qui ne me semble absolument pas pratique du tout !… 😡 Copy-Pasteboard.mp4
  2. Today I had to add some editable vector content made in Designer to a InDesign document (Yeah, still in an open relationship with Affinity and InDesign…) Something that in old times I did copying from Illustrator and pasting on InDesign. Now, copying from Designer pastes as SVG or PNG, no other options. So I was to use Illustrator as intermediary when I noticed that I can paste the vectors on illustrator without problem, just like i'll love to do between Designer and InDesign. My question/suggestion is: Is it possible to add on Designer an option or preference setting that allow copied vectors to be compatible with InDesign the same way it does with illustrator? Just now, the options only allow to use SVG as pasteboard option and that is pasted on InDesign as crappy bitmap image. Is just that sometimes I need vector elements to be editable inside InDesign (which I still must use because, you know, tables ) and is horrible to open illustrator to do the trick.
  3. How can I make the pasteboard bigger? I often use it to store text and images that I'm working with.
  4. Feature Wish list item: "Clip To Canvas" toggle available in app preferences ---------- As-is / the problem If I toggle "Clip to Canvas" so what I call the "pasteboard" is visible. Then I leave the file going out the Home screen. When I go back in, it Clips to canvas again, hiding whatever I left on the pasteboard. I have to reset it everytime I go back in. To-be / solution Ability to set it up as a default view in preferences. I suggest logical place for it is under "Interface". --------- Why it's a wish I often do a lot of boolean work with shapes. I'll do a whole sequence of boolean operations on one shape at times. I'll often do several versions too, before choosing one to include in the illustration. Sometimes I clone the shape several times. As insurance incase it all turns out a bit "wut?" and to subtract/divide + manipulate + re-add (re-assemble). There may be a lot of cleaning up to do as well. So all-in-all, a fair amount of work. Once complete I move it back on to the canvas. Sometimes, I'll leave a previous state on the pasteboard incase when I come back in with fresh eyes, I end up deciding the original was best. As an illustration gets complicated, doing this kind of work insitu can become a bit tiresome. Visual noise, but especially selection easily becomes hard work (other shapes end up being moved or selected). Being able to quickly drag a shape, or a clone of a shape, onto the pasteboard into some completely free uncluttered space in a moment of inspiration is what it's about. "The flow". Switching off/on or locking/unlocking layers is a distraction, tbh. --------- In the scheme of things, it's a finesse.... I'm hoping it's an "easy win" that can be lobbed-in with other changes.
  5. Hi... wondering if this is just a weird newbie thing: 1. I created an 11"x17" poster in Designer with multiple elements. (i.e vector graphics, placed PNGs, text boxes etc.) This shows as a document with a white background, surrounded by the rest of the interface with a black background. 2. Now I want to experiment with the placement of components on the poster, so I created an artboard with the intention of moving some of the elements of the poster on to the artboard. This has the effect of changing the background of the whole screen to grey, (the pasteboard?) and it creates a blank artboard with a white background. The effect now is that the borders of my original document are no longer visible, and in fact I could move the elements of the poster on the pasteboard itself, (without an artboard at all.....). So, my question is, could someone explain (or point me to an explanation) of the artboards vs. pasteboards, vs. just plain documents..... and advise whether I should be actually doing this in Publisher, and not Designer....and simply create my graphics in Designer but do my document assembly in Publisher. Many thanks!
  6. InDesign has a feature in setting that I love and use so much. Is the options to paste text from external apps without format. I know that you can do a paste without format, but with this option active, all text coming from external apps pastes as basic pure and pristine text by default, with the old, trusty command+v. Not every one need this, some wants to have all the bold, cursives, tabs… but on some works, you need to get ride off all of incorrect formating, and, in my case, almost all of my work consist on eliminating customers format (people love to use bold and cursives and colors freestyle with no criteria). To get your text pasted directly without formar and without having to do finger yoga to use command+alt+caps+v is a desirable option. This option, on InDesign, is in the settings pane, under the pasteboard managing section (When pasting text and tables from other apps). As is an option, is there for the ones who needs it only.
  7. I spent a lot of time of time trying to get a selected area of my image out of Affinity Photo. With no luck. It seems "copy" only works within Photo and is not compatible with the iOS pasteboard. So, how do I export only part of my image? Either a selection or a layer? Do I have to delete everything else first? Apparently, this is an ugly hack.
  8. I have Illustrator CS3 documents where I have work/designs off on the pasteboard (canvas). Is there a way to get to this work/designs when I open them in ADesigner? I realize this is quite the app version jump. Normally I'd just open Illustrator and adjust all those documents so I can see everything in ADesigner, however, due to crappy circumstances I cannot open Illustrator.
  9. Today I learned that pasting elements between Designer documents with different resolution results on different object size. This is a normal behavior on bitmap software, like Photo or Photoshop, because they work with pure pixels and must adapt to the number of pixels the pasted image has upon the resolution, but is a complete hassle on vector apps like Designer, where the key is that you usually design on physical objet size, independently of resolution. This is specially hard when you are working with exact measures, like packaging or any technical illustration. I suggest three possible solutions A: Document or application setting to allow users to select their preference on copy pasting. B: Let the app auto select the pasting behavior based on the measure unit for the documents. (Preference to resolution if pixels unit, or preference to real size if a measure unit is selected) C: Special paste command for "paste preserving size" Hope I'm not the only one finding this important on his workflow. cheers!
  10. If I temporarily move an item from the artboard page to the pasteboard, it disappears to the back. I can't find a default that allows it to be permantly seen as in Adobe Illustrator. Advice please.
  11. beta (and current version) When trying to rasterise something like a curve or ellipse on the pasteboard by right clicking and selecting 'Rasterise...' it then disappears! The layer changes to (Pixel) but seems to be empty.
  12. ¿Is it possible to create a new document with an artboard, make the work, and then disable the artboard to get back to the simple page mode, not losing the work? The reason to this is that it might be desirable to make a design using the pasteboard feature an artboard offers, but at the end export it with bleeding, wich currently does not work with artboards. Thanks! By the way, i find the way you're thinking the artboard subject really great. Regards; Val
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