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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all I put this together to help promote (unofficially) 'Insect Week' here in the UK. The 'event', organised by the Royal Entomological Society, is held annually to raise awareness and encourage small and big people to learn more about insects, which are vital to life on this planet. The photo of the ladybird/bug was taken with an Olympus TG-6 Tough digital camera and edited in Affinity Photo. It's a shame but I just couldn't get the eyes in focus. I also tried out the new QR tool! (Note to the moderator: If this post is inappropriate, please delete it, and I'll repost just the photo. Thanks)
  2. New to Affinity Photo and wanted to explore the capabilities and caliber of Affinity Photo in comparison to that of Photoshop. I really enjoyed processing these images in Affinity Photo, and impressed with its speed and abilities. Image one is a stack of 27 images and the second one is from ~80 images. Images were acquired with a Sony A6000 camera with a 55-210mm lens by using a Raynox macro adapter. Thank you for visiting. Have a nice day!
  3. Created these two last week as part of a current project I'm working on. It's done fully on Affinity Designer with a mixed workflow of vectors and bitmaps.
  4. Hi all, New to AP. Relatively new to serious photography as well, but it has always been a hobby. First of all...big thanks to the Serif team for providing such a professionally crafted app at such an amazing price. Eagerly awaiting what's in store for the future. Anyway, just thought I'll say an introductory Hi with some recent shots RAW developed with AP. Cheers P.S. All criticism, advice and suggestions much welcome and appreciated.
  5. So I worked on this orchid tonight for about 3 hours and I am extremely happy with how it turned out! :-) I might put some bitmap texture in the light area of the background, but I'm sitting on that for now until I am sure. As for my other image, that was last night's practice with Affinity and I am not as sure about it. I love the shape of the beetle, but I'm not sure about the portrait on its back anymore. I am relatively happy with the background, but again, I'm still thinking about that one! So, if you have comments or suggestions please let me know.
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