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  1. On my M2 Macbook Air [macOS 12.6 (21G115), 24GB RAM], I get flickering on Affinity Photo 1.10.5 as seen. Anytime the mouse focus changes or some other screen event happens, the image flickers to a washed-out look, then comes back to normal. This does not happen with Affinity Designer 1.10.5 on the same setup. I rebooted the system to no avail. I also tried using the built-in screen on the Macbook but the same thing happens. Here's a video of the effect:
  2. I moved from a 2015 MacBook Pro to the new M3 one. I have a AfPub1 document, which I opened with AfPub1 and AfPub2 on the new machine (also tried AfPhoto). The images are very light, and totally of what they should look like. When I make a screenshot the color gets suddenly normalish (I trust the software, I am not a colorimeter) Because I cannot make a screenshot from the issue, I have appended two iPhone shots. After some trying I found out, that switching from Metal to OpenGL fixed it. Also doing a screen recording with Quicktime while working with the Software seems to do the job. I woud appreciate if you could fix this in Version 1 and 2 SaalDigital_Fotobuch_glanz_10-15.icc
  3. I have a new MacBook Pro M2, where I transferred all from my previous Mac i7. I opened a photo and... oh, it's overexposed! The image was absolutely clear. After few seconds the display turned to normal colors. Every about ten seconds, it switches from clear to normal and vice versa, making Photo totally unusable. I tried to get screenshots of this behaviour but they are always normal (or better: the screen changes to normal when I capture it). The problem is relative only to the edited image, all the screen (menus etc.) remains always normal. Very grateful for any help, I am completely stuck now. Thanks
  4. Hello, I quickly edited a photo, saved it, several times! trying to export it as .JPG but it get reverted to a wrong, darker version what I did NOT save. Please, see video attached. I’m on Mac Sonoma. I must be doing something wrong, but can’t figure out what IMG_1559.mov
  5. Each time I load a photo to work on, it seems to auto select the photo and I can't work on it. It's so bleached out, I cant see my adjustments. I've tried to screenshot it but it goes away. If you look at the photo below, the entire editing area (grey area and image), highlight so much you can't see any changes made (for example) in the adjustment layer. I am using a MAC and I'm still using the trial version if that helps any. It pops on and off with no reason, not if I click something or move off screen. It just just pops in and out ant anytime and most stays on.
  6. Hi there, I'm currently running a free trial of Publisher 2 to create a quarterly seasonal digest. I've been using the software for several days on my MacBook Pro for multiple hours a day. I've just started to experience a strange glitch when using the software, which makes the interface (and all images and text on my document) really dark, as if a contrast slider has been boosted. As I move my cursor in and out of the window it goes back to the normal colour/contrast. Frustratingly, I can't screenshot this glitch as it goes back to normal when I use another (e.g. screenshooting) programme. I have closed and relaunched several times. For a few minutes, it works fine, but then switches back. I'm not sure if I've pressed something to cause this, or if it's an error? Any help would be much appreciated! Beth
  7. Hello team! With version 2.1.0 I ran into the following problem: any photo taken with the iPhone and opened in the application gives a gray shade that covers the entire workspace with the photo and it disappears from time to time, but it is not possible to work with photos. If you open any other example photo, then everything is displayed correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot fix the second case (when there is a gray layer), it is not displayed in the screenshots. I'll try to describe it in words: the area near the photo is grayer and the photo itself is too. If I move the cursor over this window, it sometimes disappears and is displayed correctly. If you open the files taken not with iPhone, everything is fine. What need to do from my side? Can't work at all. UPD: added video file. Thanks for time and helping. IMG_7957.mov
  8. I have version 2 of all three Affinity apps on my Mac Studio and M2 MacBook Air. All work perfectly, except for Photo 2 on my MBA. The background grey gets brighter if I move the pointer onto or off the image I am working on, or if I click the trackpad. If I stop moving the pointer, it goes back to where it should be, until I move the pointer again. I have tried adjusting all the preferences and settings for the Mac but nothing helps. I have tried changing the display profiles. It doesn't happen with any other program on the MBA. This happens on all images and if I transfer them to the Mac Studio, they work normally. The saved or exported file is normal. I have tried doing a screen recording and screen still grabs but the problem does not show. I have attached a short video from my iPhone to demonstrate. Any ideas what may be causing this? IMG_2330.mov
  9. Latest version (2.0.0) Yes. Open sample file or other TIFF generated by "Edit With" in Apple Photos (and possibly other files). Sample attached. MacOS Ventura Only occurs when "Display" is set to "Metal". Workspace flashes randomly, changing appearance of image and background. Open sample file and attempt any action (clicking, etc.). Video of issue attached. Issue doesn't occur while using OS screen capture. IMG_2146.MOV IMG_1874.tiff
  10. Loaded a photo on Photo (attached), and in the 'work area' there's a white/grey filter applied to the whole area, that appears and disappears. Not been able to screenshot it, or screen record it, because it doesn't seems to stop whenever it's being focused on by something else. Had to use my phone to try and capture it. Tried closing Photo and re-opening the photo afresh, same issue. First time I've ever encountered this. From what I can tell, it's caused by the ICC profile (I changed it to sRGB, the issue immediately stops). The photo was exported from the (Apple) Photos app on macOS. Looks like it defaults to Apple Wide Color Sharing Profile (or at least it did for this, first time I've used the app), which it would seem Affinity doesn't like? Running on a Mac Mini, M2 Pro. Monitor is a 31.5" UltraFine™ UHD 4K Ergo IPS Monitor with USB Type-C™ 20230714_162108.mp4
  11. Before you start reading, I need to mention that I had to use my phone to record the error taking place. When I tried to record my screen via my computer, I couldn't replicate the issue. What Application are you using? [Designer/Photo/Publisher] Photo Are you using the latest release version? yes, i just bought Affinity photo today. Can you reproduce it? Sure can! I have a video attached here. Does it happen for a new document? If not can you upload a document that shows the problem? It happens immediately when opening a new photo. If you cannot provide a sample document then please give an accurate description of the problem for example it should include most of the following: What is your operating system and version MAC OS, Ventura 13.3 What happened for you (and what you expected to happen) When I open a photo, there appears to be a sort of overlay placed on my image. If i move my cursor around or select different tools, or move the Affinity Photo window around, the image alternates between how it SHOULD look and how it looks with this weird overlay effect. It does this with every photo. These are all basic jpgs, no raw files. Provide a recipe for creating the problem (step-by-step what you did). I only opened a photo. Screenshots (very handy) or a screen capture/video. - Attached here! Any unusual hardware (like tablets or external monitors or drives that may affect things) or relevant other applications like font managers or display managers. This is literally a brand new macbook air M2 - i just bought it Friday July 21st. Did this same thing used to work and if so have you changed anything recently? (software or hardware) No, I just purchased the software earlier today and haven't changed any preferences. This started happening immediately. I've restarted the software as well as my computer. Thank you for your time! IMG_4463.mov
  12. This problem happens with any images captured on an iPhone (V13 Pro). The images open and can't stay at their original exposure (for lack of a better term). You can see in the video how the image goes "light" and will go back to the proper darkness without any repeatable click. I can understand a glitch on one program but this happens on Desktop as well as iPad Pro, both V2 Affinity Photo. And it's not just one photo, it's all I have worked with. Note: this does not happen in Photoshop. Anyone else getting this problem??? IMG_3058.mp4
  13. For years I am using Affinety photo (V1) without any problem. But now I have a blinking workspace. Also this happens when I am trying to use Affinety V2. Let me explain. When I open a random photo my workspace (see photo’s) chances sometimes gray. Than I can’t judge this photo to see it’s sharpnes, the departure is ok, etc because the bachground influences The photo. This workspace chances very random no mather wich button I click or what I do. I also restart my laptop but this doesn’t help. I am using a brand new Macbook Air with Sonoma
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