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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. I am sorry but I do not. I’ll get in the habit of being ready to take a screen movie from now on. 

    what usually happens when fails occur is that I’m fully in creative space. I look at the usual causes of whatever. But wanting to return to my work, I don’t think to grab a recording of what I want to do.

    I shall incorporate screen movies as part of the troubleshooting process. 

    thank you

  2. Soon into creating and working with this very simple file, I was unable to select the arrow objects in the drawing by using the selection tools in toolbar; I could only select them by clicking on them in the Layers Studio. Functional in the strict sense, but not productive workflow.

    At some point I was able to select the objects. I don’t know what made the difference, but I can tell you that between being unable to select, then being able to select, I did not power down or restart the iPad, so there was no “clearing of the decks” in that sense.

    The inability to select objects in a drawing is a problem I’ve experienced often, in various illustrations…some complex, some not. I’m not a software engineer, but I do know some things about these programs..that each object exists on its own layer, and has a bounding box or some sort of area which defines the space it occupies, and can therefore be manipulated.

    This isn’t scientific, but sometimes it feels as though the program forgets what it means when a selection tool is used to touch or marquee an object. And this is in scenarios in which the object to be selected isn’t blocked by anything else, isn’t on a locked layer, isn’t in a cropping group, is under an unlocked parent. In other words, everything seems to be set to enable that object being selected.

    Thank you for examining this case.



  3. Why, as a matter of fact, I shut down my iPad after each session. Since yesterday’s selection problem, I’ve used and shut down the iPad two, perhaps three times. So, yes.

    When I say, “either arrow tool,” I am referring to the tools in Affinity designer which look like arrows and which are used to select objects in the open file. They occupy the top two spots in the tool pallet. Screen capture attached for clarity.

    Put another way, the inability to select objects with either of the tools in the program used for selecting things in the drawing, with the relevant layers unlocked, and with those layers’ visibility turned on, is problematic.

    For my money, it feels like a bug, and I shall report it as such. Thank you for your help.




  4. In point of fact, the rectangle in that file is not in front of the other objects (arrows) which I was trying to select; the arrows are in front / above the rectangle. Moreover, the rectangle has no fill.

    So, provided that the layers controlling said object are unlocked, and the object itself is unlocked and on top, are there any other conditions which must be met to enable selection of that object?

    As you can see from the file, it’s a very simple arrangement of few elements. Nothing tricky or complex is occurring in the file; nothing is clipping anything else. 

    So, can anybody weigh in on what other impediments there could be in selecting an object with the arrow tool?

    Thank you.


  5. 18 minutes ago, walt.farrell said:

    There are other impediments, though (e.g., when layers are under (covered by) other layers) which is why sample documents or screenshots are important.

    Now that’s a statement that makes one sit up straight and pay attention. What are the “other impediments,” when objects and layers are unlocked and “Edit All Layers” is checked?

    This sounds very mysterious, as though there’s some Unknowne Knowledge lurking about. I’ve been using software like Affinity products for a long time. In all of the software tools which employ either layers, or locking, having items / layers visible and unlocked is all that’s needed to then select those unlocked and visible objects with some sort of tool, often an “Arrow” tool. 

    There’s really no reason for a software environment to be coy about the process of selecting objects. Either something can be selected or it can’t, and the reasons for either need to be straightforward and identifiable by the User attempting to get work done. Maybe there’s a truly excellent reason for this, and I would like to know what it is for all of our sake so that the collective knowledge can be improved so that this great software tool can be utilized to its fullest potential.

    Thank you



  6. I have the now-latest version of Affinity Designer for iPad OS, and the latest iPad OS version.

    In my illustration, I just made a line, gave one end an arrowhead, duplicated that arrowed line, and now i can’t select it with either arrow tool; I need to select it in the Layer’s Studio, and with several items named “curve” it’s a bit trial-and-error-ish.

    Is there some reason, I can’t select an unlocked object on and unlocked layer beneath and unlocked parent layer using the object selection tool?

    Should I report this as a bug?

    Thank you!

  7. If a file in the "tiles" preview section of these apps has been Saved from the hamburger menu on each file, has that file been written to the Files app? 

    I'm about to reformat the iPad but before I do so, I need to make absolutely sure that I have all of my files backed up and can manupulate them individually on my back up on my Mac. I need file-level control; the "all or nothing" iTunes backup is inadequate for this goal.


    Before I zero out the iPad, I need to make certain that I have all of my files backed up in such a way that I have the files as individual files and not locked away in a mass iTunes back up.


    Thank you!


  8. File attached.

    I placed an image, gave it a stroke of 1pt. placed another, also gave 1pt stroke, but its stroke appears to be significantly larger than the other, 1-pt stroked placed image.

    Any clues as to why this is happening? I've messed with the settings of the second image, can't get it to have the same weight stroke despite what the numeric value for stroke says.

    Thank you for any clues!

    placed image stroke problem.afdesign

  9. So..here’s my experience with that on an M1 Mini with 8GB of RAM…

    I chose the option to Link, and was presented with a Dialogue box…I believe that I “pointed” Publisher to the parent folder where all of the sub-folders of images to be linked reside. Hit OK.

    Nothing visual happened*, so I assumed it was a fail. After some internal grousing, I decided to manually re-link the 60 images using Resource Manager, only to find that all of the images said, “Linked.”

    So, if I’m reading it correctly, the 60 images were de-embedded and linked in less than a blink of an eye.

    ”Gobsmacked” seems an appropriate word…


    *meaning, no visual feedback indicating success, failure, or progress

  10. I'm working in Mac Publisher on a document built in iPad Designer. I got a warning about having a lot of embedded images and would I like to save size by linking them instead. I OK'd that, thinking it would automagically know where all the pics are..

    I'm apprehensive that I'll have to do a brute-force 'manual' relinking of some 60 images - arranged in 5 or 6 sub-folders because that's how I wanted to group them.

    Embedded images bring along no information about their identity and location once embedded?


    Thank you for any wisdom on this.

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