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Everything posted by Steps

  1. @R C-R I think you are missing the point. We do not talk about the personal data they need to fulfill the purchase. Nobody questioned that. It's not about letting us pay in bitcoins so Serif does not know who we are. We talk about the "usage data" that may one day be collected. It's all about that.
  2. We had that general discussion in different threads. The different views/positions came clear to me. So I will not repeat myself in this thread.
  3. Thank you, but... The blog as many others is absolutely wrong about being CS2 a "free giveaway". The download option of CS2 is meant for people who originally bought CS2 which I have not. It's just because Adobe took the license servers down. I'm looking for a really legal option here.
  4. If there is no data collected at all you need no right to be forgotten or request personal data. Sorry, but you make this really much harder than it needs to be. Serif already only requests upon registration only data they need. If you buy the software all they want is your full name, email and country. You can pay with paypal if you want. So they don't ask for more than necessary. For using the software they grant themselves the right to collect usage data by the terms. They don't do it right now. The request we are here talking about is if they just can remove that line from the terms and if they ever want to collect data let users decide and show them plain text what will be transmitted. Many software does it that way already. It helps to gain trust in these days. And most users opt-in as they want to help if they have a good feeling what happens. My example before was the Steam hardware survey. I participatie every year, because I like to share my specs to the statistics, but I can review before submitting and see it does tell nothing personal about me. It's a reasonable request. And Serif has no cloud service. They don't need to collect data for "public safety". That's nonsense.
  5. The changes to Master Pages do not enable me to tie a bunch of Apub document together or do they? This is what has been asked here.
  6. This preset does not activate the web optimization so that it loads faster in pdfjs... or does it? I have also trouble finding a free app to do that. As far as I can see Acrobat CC is capable of it.
  7. Oh, okay, got it. You meant since it's an InDesign Plugin and InDesign itself has a expensive subscription people who are paying for that don't mind to pay also for plugins. And the point was that there actually is a HTML5 flipbook ecport from InDesign - just not from Adobe itself. Sorry, I missunderstood that.
  8. You make your money with this. So you don't care. This applies not to me. What I pay is gone.
  9. It's a subscription like all the others. I don't want a cloud or paying a monthly fee. Why a fee that in no way relates to hosting costs? Wow. Just give me a good tool that works offline and generates some files I can put on my private server. Maybe Pubisher will get this export one day. I have a use case for that. Of course it is a low priority. But Serif could certainly kill a whole industry with that.
  10. I know this is all hypotetical. If I would feel the need to dissassemble an application (which certainly would violate the terms and conditions) I would indeed rather choose to not use it all. The points in the discussion came clear: As a user you can check & control a lot of things, but without trust it is going nowhere. Like in any other relationship. Serif however could remove that phrase from the terms if they don't plan to do it. And when, they could ask to opt-in. This would gain some more trust. I personally feel no pressing need to change the terms as I was fine with it before. There are bigger companies out there that we should keep an eye on. I used chrome for some time and looking into another application with Wireshark I accidently saw some things I did not like/expect there and went back to Firefox.
  11. Yes, we talk not about the content of the data (anonymous or personal) but if there is a suspicious data transfer at all after opt-out. Maybe I was not clear on that.
  12. @fde101 The thing they left out to show in Quark video is the actual fliping/ turning effect that gives the name to it. I found some flipbook services that lack it, too. And one was so bad it nearly killed my browser. TurnJS does it beautiful on desktop. It's the only thing in this framework that works. I guess it must be quite a challenge to implement. I'm not a web developer. I really don't know.
  13. Nice. Yes, flash is really outdated, but I'm not surprised Adobe sticks to it. It's embarassing.
  14. That's actually pretty simple: https://www.wireshark.org It's an free, open source and very easy to use network analysis tool. Such a standard since years that for example the Fritz!Box as Germans most popular router have hidden direct dump feature if you want to scan a whole network. In this case your local computer will do. You should try it one day if you were not familar with it until now. Even if data itself is crypted you can tell from metadata like destination urls and paket sizes a lot. In case I turned off data collections there should be no uploads except the calls @Patrick Connor mentioned. I trust Serif enough not to analyze Affinity. Not worth the time. Point is everyone easily can do that at any time.
  15. It's all about the Affinity Trinity they planned for all along. Consider the already released Designer & Photo as sneak peaks whats about to come.
  16. Yes, I assume Serif had such workflows in mind by deciding to bring Publisher with a Vector Persona.
  17. This applies even to the crudest workflow or the worst usability that you will one day get used to it and never mind. That's an capability of the human brain to get blind over time. This in no way changes the facts. And this "everything has to stay as it is and I will fight any change" mindset mentioned before is also a human brain habit that get's worse as you age. So forgive me, but I can't take those things as arguments.
  18. I take it back. I just viewed my TurnJS solution on my mobile phone (Android) and it really sucks. Totally broken. The project is not maintained anymore for years. It just looks good on desktop with a fixed resolution. Attempts of the community to fix that found on Stackoverflow failed. Having googled for some time it looks like there are no maintained HTML5 solutions for free anymore and best price I found was a tool with 25$ for each created flipbook. Most tools are subscription based and expensive. And if they have a free plan it's limited to 10 pages and of course they want to host it. As if I would give my private personal photo book away. If Serif would add a HTML5 flipbook creator to Publisher this would be a huge gift as it looks like to me that even a 50$ stand-alone tool would be an bargain. Heck, I even see some of those flipbock creators going out of business then.
  19. The solution with the open source lib TurnJS works good.* They deliver a suitable sample called "double-page" in the download that can be easily adjusted for the use case of a really simple HTML5 flip book. One day I may try out how powerful macros in Affinity are and write one for that. Basicly you export all pages to JPGs in a resolution with height set to 800px and add "pages"-divs for every page you have. Done. Involves some modifying the HTML sample, but no real programming. So it's not so much work that I would subscribe to an flip book service. However: This would be a nice native feature. But very low priority of course. *: It lacks support for responsive webpages and it's an abandoned project. But it works and does cost nothing for non-commercial use.
  20. Yes, since a few years they introduced "Export" for PDFs. But you still can "Save as" a PDF. This is indeed confusing. Maybe they now have both ways because more apps than GIMP & Photo separate into saving & exporting? I don't know. Enough has been said. IMHO it is and will stay an annoying thing, I agree here 100% with the OP, but this is not the hill I'm going to die on. I want to die on the hill of Picture Frame handling in Publisher.
  21. Yes, that is the thing that is confusing. If you get used to it after a while it's okay, but you see over and over people new to this somewhat strange concept of separation and they all stumble about that. As been discussed they just expect the "classic way" you know from Microsoft Office or Photoshop and I personally see no need for this artificial separation seen in GIMP before and now in Photo, too. It's by far not my biggest issue, but it's just one of the things that make a negative impression on first contact. This is why the OP mentions it.
  22. Thanks. I will take a look into that. I tried stuff you find immediatly like FlipHtml5 and others first. The tool looks awful and there are many similar ones that look identical. I guess it's from the same chinese manufactor. Reminds me a bit of Wondershare which also goes identical under some others brands.
  23. @MEB This proves the point that the distinction between saving and Exporting is problematic again and again. I hope devs will review this thing.
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