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    : Indonesia
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    UI/UX Design

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  1. Thanks, I understand that part. I was able to convert to Curves, but I still can't create actual font curves using Pencil Tool, like she did using Ai. Am I missing something? Thank you, Cheers!
  2. Hi, I wonder if it's possible to do stuff like this: How to customize a font in illustrator! (& the tools I use) - YouTube In Affinity Designer. I have tried myself, but it's not working like in the video. The pencil tool just... Draw a line instead of making the font curves or whatnot. Thank you, Cheers!
  3. No one? Really?? Where is the support team?
  4. Hi, Why mouse scroll is not working with AD iPad? The click and other function is working well, but not the scroll. I'm using latest iPadOS and logitech MX 2 mouse. Thanks!
  5. Oh, one question though... Can I just drag-n-drop assets such as image or icon from iPad File Manager into Affinity Designer workspace? Or I can only use the built-in Import feature? @DM1 @stokerg
  6. Hi Stokerg, Thanks for the reply, I'm just worried about importing assets from 3rd-parties, such as Unsplash or Flaticon. When using the desktop version, it's very easy, just download and drag-n-drop. The author you mentioned before, she using the built-in UI library, so it looks easy. Thank you
  7. Hi, I love using Affinity Designer Desktop for UI design, and I'm planning to buy an iPad in the near future. I'm just wondering if I can still do UI design on the AD iPad? Is it even doable? Or there are some feature limitations comparing to the desktop version? Thank you, Cheers!
  8. Thank you so much for detailed answer @SrPx, it really helped me a lot Just ordered one for me, also bought AP since I think it also would be helpful for my photo edit works. Thanks!
  9. Thank you for the tips @SrPx How about Pen Tool? Is it good? Since I use Pen Tool a lot for my works... For tracing and stuff. Thank you!
  10. Thank you for the reply I'm planning to buy Wacom Intuos Draw (CTL-4100). Still planning to buy it, but try to make sure it's fully compatible first
  11. Hi, I'm planning to buy a Wacom Intuos tablet. Is it compatible with Affinity Designer? Cannot find the demo on Youtube or somewhere else, only with Adobe products. Thank you!
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