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  1. Appreciate the reply, just had a good read around. Shame you can’t maybe have both this new method as well as the old one. But at least I know now. I was following an older tutorial.
  2. Hey guys, Please see attached video, seems that the close tool does nothing. Don’t know if it worked on previous versions, or if I’m doing something wrong? RPReplay_Final1716945335.mp4
  3. Hey all, from the videos I’ve seen it looks like you just select the brush and a colour, and then paint over the colour you want to replace. In the etched file, I’d like to replace the outline border colour (the beige). But I can’t do is all, any ideas where im going wrong?
  4. Thanks everyone for your help!! Great community here
  5. Sorry to add, you can see the red layer come through around the eyes and in the hair
  6. Hey All, Can anyone help with this one. I've attached a file. My issue is the that the art work of the man has areas where the image behind (red block) shows through. The image is a PNG, It was originally was a raw image edited and converted to a .svg. Maybe the issue is converting from the .svg back to a PNG file which this image is. I've attached the PNG as well. I just used designer and photo to convert from .svg to .png. Is there a way of avoiding this bleed from the back ground image? Test File.afpub
  7. lol, so the one time I don’t try restarting my PC. That fixed it. It’s a work laptop so stays on for long periods of time. Never happened before!!
  8. Thank you so much for your time. I have not restarted, so I’ll try that first
  9. Hey, Got the apps at launch, no issues until yesterday when I tried to open Publisher and its stuck on the loading splash screen with the title message. Can’t do anything. Any ideas?
  10. Ahh, think I may not have been in the pixel persona possibly. It was not showing option to add new square brush, but is now, thanks all, sorry for being dumb!
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