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  1. He can. He did. He is lazy. He didn't want to compile for 10 distro's. He found a solution in AppImage. Modeled after MacOS .dng.
  2. Or it's just the definition of what you're doing right now: spreading negativity while showing clear lack of understanding and ignoring the relevant parts of people who are trying to educate you towards more objective and uptodate ideas, even though your demeanor is straying.
  3. For everyone else that's reading: Don't get rattled by this FUD. Flatpak, the next generation of AppImage, works the same as described above. You can install multiple versions of the same components in Flatpak, and every other Flatpak can load them when needed. AppImage just works everywhere. Flatpak is the same but allows separating often shared libraries. The latter is only beneficial if you are frugal about storage space. The former is beneficial if you don't care and want it to just work no matter what. Packaging one or the other is as simple as adding a line to your build script. For that reason, many software (e.g. the Non-Linear video Editor KdenLive) publish both, so people can choose.
  4. It is an open source component. The entirety of Linux consists of open source components made by multiple parties. By calling it a third-party kludge, you indulge yourself to a mind trick that can be utilized to criticize every single Linux component. Let's Torvalds directly: I finally got around to play with the "AppImage" version of +Subsurface, and it really does seem to 'just work'. An AppImage is a self-mounting filesystem image conceptually like a macOS .dmg file. So if it's good enough for OSX, you're just really bending backwards to criticize a good solution to an ancient problem. Hohndel: [Mac got] this right. I control the libraries my app runs against. [...] With an AppImage I can give them just that. Something that runs on their computer.
  5. Do people still make such an outdated argument and think they are contributing constructively to a discussion? AppImage has becoming increasingly popular in the last 15 years to solve this problem. Their portability became so popular that both Red Hat and Canonical made commercial versions 6 years ago. You get 33 officially supported distro's (and more unofficial) for the price of one.
  6. You're describing the current status quo. All the people in this topic do not like the status quo and are looking for ways to use their preferred OS. If you want to understand the rationale here, try to empathize with the following: Many development tool chains are easier to use on Linux. For a long time tools like Docker didn't even work on Windows or OSX. Many developers left Windows for Linux, and in an attempt to keep these users in the Windows ecosystem, Microsoft invested $7.5 billion in Github, Mono, VS Code for Linux, WSL, WSL2, Linux kernel support etc, but it's still just not as nice as developing on Linux. Perhaps big studios can have multiple dedicated computers with fulltime employees on them. But an Indie developer working from the living room dinner table does not want to buy two computers. They just want to do development and design on one computer, on one operating system. They often spend 80% of their time developing and 20% of their time in design, so Linux/development wins over Windows/design. So they did buy a computer that works with 80% of the software needed. This topic is about the other 20%, more specifically Affinity Design and Affinity Photo. If it was the other way around, and 80% of their time was design, they might prefer a Windows computer in stead, but with this much usage, they would probably be justified in purchasing the expensive monthly Adobe CC subscription in stead of the more affordable Affinity suite. Affinity is a more interesting indie developer option than Adobe. And Linux is a more interesting indie developer option than Windows. Therefore, Affinity should run on Linux.
  7. No. Mac OS X is officially Unix, and GNU/Linux is not. (GNU's Not Unix). So while some basics share a common ancestor, the higher level stuff needed to make an app today is very different. More importantly, I suppose OS X software uses the Metal API where the art board needs to be implemented in the Vulkan or OpenGL API on Linux. As for the interface, I assume that it also uses a Mac OS specific toolkit. So pretty much everything needs to be re-implemented, except for the render core, which the Affinity team explained is platform independent already, and likely shared between the Windows and the Mac OS X version.
  8. One last quote: This made me think of that Hiri commercial email client. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/07/linux-users-are-more-valuable-customers
  9. There are certain places you can check to see if your Windows program is running on WINE. Perhaps there are more modern methods. ntdll.dll:wine_get_version HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wine I have no idea how simple/complex the WINE problem is, so I don't know if we can expect WINE to work soon or never. But if you can build some checks now, they will already be there once WINE starts to work with Affinity products.
  10. Fair enough. That's why we hope to get the WINE support. I would recommend a WINE check in your software though, so you can gather telemetry on how many users run your Windows version on Linux. You'll get an insight for free. You may notice that there aren't enough Linux users and your suspicions were right. You may even want to share the percentages after a year or two, to stop this discussion with some statistics as opposed to suspicions from both sides.
  11. Exactly that. And that's exactly why apps and games aren't flocking to the Linux desktop. There is indeed a subsection of Linux users, just like there is a very big subsection of Windows users that use pirated software for the same reason. This thread is a testament to the Linux users that do want to pay, and even indicated wanting to pay double. Linux users are willing to pay most compared to Mac and Windows users. Please focus on those users.
  12. Sometimes I don't understand why sincere attempts like this actually get downvoted. I understand that people who don't care don't upvote, but downvoting? That's actively thwarting something potentially good for Linux. Perhaps some of us can upvote this. I just upvoted. You can find the tread in r/linux when searching for the title ("Getting a good design app working on linux"). Remember, do not post a direct link to the thread. Reddit removes/shadowbans threads that get too many votes through a referral link.
  13. I don't think Serif has interest at this point in time, but we have interest in getting Wine support. So if you have a decent sized audience, you could offer them the WineHQ voting experiment and see if they want to help vote Affinity Photo to the top of the list. 😃 You could tell them about the community effort to get attention from the Wine team, not Serif.
  14. If we can seriously get 150 people to cast 3 votes for Affinity Photo, then the next 150 people can vote for Affinity Designer and they'll both be the top two. Keep in mind that this is an interesting experiment (Thanks @Bez Bezson, I didn't even know about that vote option) to get attention from wine devs checking the list. It is not a guarantee that someone will fix the wine problems.
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