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Everything posted by mikerofoto

  1. yep and no it wasn't set to none, how I solved it? close AP and restart it then the crop tool was working. Then open a new file, did some processing and again crop tool not working, close AP and restart again, after 3 pictures done the issue did not appear again.
  2. not sure if it had brought up before, but i'm having issue with the crop tool, not usable. it doesn't show any line, even pressing "o" to change cycle orientation, grid just don't show up. am I missing something? using AP 1.9.3 Mac. check screenshot
  3. thanks for the reply, indeed I did, I tried many changes like bilinear, bicubic, use format document to RGB8bit, dropping quality, still can't add preset and staying greyed out.
  4. I just switch AP from app store to serif store, sadly nothing got saved and the software just overwrite/reset everything to scratch. what happened to export preset? I've spent almost an hour and can't figure out what am I doing wrong, it just greyed out and can't save any. see screenshot, is this a bug from last update?
  5. Well... if you click replace, settings are not transferred, you need to setup your plugins again and all other perks, that’s a bummer =/
  6. Got the answer... you get 2 choices during install, replace or keep both.
  7. If you have Affinity Photo from the apple store, switching to Sherif website, you have to delete AP first before installing the one from Sherif?
  8. hmmmm.... problem solved. those are actually part of Dfine. weird that I've never seen those before.
  9. Hi folks, was wondering if other user have those plugin in the preference/plugin of AP. I have no clue what those are (the top 7, above color efex) and where they from but noticed as I was to removed nik pre-sharpening as I never use this one. were they implemented with the latest update 1.8 of AP?
  10. Top right you’ll see “zoom” in the Nik window, you can adjust from there, you can also increase the size of your window close or same size as AP on your screen.
  11. just out of curiosity as I did not updated yet, seen many complaining with latest release issues on Windows but... how does it run on Mac High Sierra? anyone had crashes or issues?
  12. People forget or don’t click the “+” button and create a folder for it, maybe its time for to add more than Ps and Lr as only option. you didn’t really had to uninstall, just re-install leave the software in same folder but plugin in your specific folder.
  13. Check there: there’s also many other threads related to installing Nik with AP
  14. In your app folder, create a folder and name it nik_plugin_dxo. look at your 3rd image “compatible host app” - click the “+”down left and go select that folder I asked you to create in the app folder. When you done the installation that’s where the plugins are going to be installed. now, to add them to AP. open the preference panel and to to the plugin section, that’s where you’ll add them * you'll find the info here:
  15. Would be nice if Sherif could make it possible to save the work in a sidecar instead of aphoto, wouldn’t that save file size lower, readable by other DAM and file viewer as Fastrawviewer and photo mechanic?
  16. cmd “s” on mac to save, not sure for Windows but you can check in the top menu / File / save (for shortcut)
  17. What OS are you using? No issues here on mac os. have you restart AP to see if it happen again? check AP setting colour profile.
  18. -duplicate your layer -filter / blur / average -invert the layer -blend mode to overlay can’t remember where I got that but it work.
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