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  1. When using the color picker tool, one is shown the RGB values. (Or the value of the other options) Is there an easy way within Affinity Photo to determine the color name? For example, the color I am using is (RGB) 222, 159, 80. According to (Color Name & Hue – Colblindor (color-blindness.com), 222, 159, 80 is the hue orange and the color name is Porsche. As I am color blind (red/green) and need to check colors. I can see a green leaf but is it green in the photo? Thanks
  2. These are Vector brushes and do not work in affinity Photo. Correct me if am wrong.
  3. I am a B&W photographer. My RAW files end up a bit too dark and, consequently, lose detail. I am trying to learn how to use the radial gradient tool to lighten up areas. I would appreciate being pointed to a few good tutorials for beginners on this topic. I am not talking about using the Gradient Map. Thanks,
  4. I guess I am talking about Portrait vs Landscape. But a 3:2 aspect ratio provides the following size prints: 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, and so on. Lets say I chose to print a 8x12 photo. In AP if I resize the document to be 8x12 it looks like the attachment, squashed together. In AP if I enter it as 12x8 it appears correct. How can I print an 8x12? I don't think I can. I hope this clarifies my problem. I suspect I may have confused things further. Thanks
  5. I shoot with a camera with a fixed 3:2 aspect ratio. This leads to a file size of 6000x4000 pixels at 300 DPI. A 3:2 aspect ratio provides the following size prints: 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, and so on. It appears AP uses Height x Width, not W x H. Is this accurate? Various sources state it is Width x Height. is the issue decided by location, UK/Europe vs USA? Is there a way to obtain an any other size print without smashing the photo in either Height or width? Thanks.
  6. I have imported vector brushes. The dialog box tells me the brushes were imported successfully. I am unable to find them. I found the brushes in a prior post, AD Textured brushes, Monet strokes By Craig Deeley, July 18, 2016 in Resources This is the download link. CD_Monet_oilstrokes.afbrushes.zip 2.57 MB · 4,481 downloads They do not appear under Brushes. I would appreciate help where to find them. Thanks
  7. Firstdefence much thanks for the info. You solved my issue. It is appreciated.
  8. To follow up, I found a web site which, when the RGB numbers are entered, the name of the color and hue are given. See attached photo.
  9. In AP I thought there was a way to determine shades or zones of gray in photo. I thought I had used such tool before. But I can't find a way check it now. Can anyone know of a way to determine if photo covers the zones 1-10? Of course, zones 1 & 10 should be avoided. Thanks.
  10. Kurt: I read your post. I have a hard time understanding or following what you are trying to say. I am reading again and looking at other info about the LAB method. If you could tell me again in a simplified version it would be appreciated.
  11. Walt, at least a green, (or shade of green) leaf will not look brown. But, you point to a problem I face and I assume others face, is shades of colors. In addition texture and light, strength, brightness and angle, affect the color seen. LOL
  12. telemax, I see what you are pointing out. But I am not sure what that adjustment is meant to do. Does make colors appear as a color blind person would see color. Or is it a correction adjustment to the colors. Thanks for pointing that out. I will research the adjustment further.
  13. I am red/green color blind. What I have read about all color blind glasses is it is questionable if they work. But I have thought of trying a pair.
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