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  1. This will be a huge step forward, unless you are working on some in house animating tool 🤠
  2. Hi, It would be great to have bleed option for every artboard differently. Like margin, you can set for each artboard different size. Use case: I have lots of different sizes of poster where I using 3mm bleed but when it is too large for example A0 I will make artboard that is only 10% of normal size to don't have a file that has 800Mb. I just want to send small file to printer and there I will enlarged it 10 times. The graphic is 10 time larger but also the bleed. It is not have 3mm now but 30mm. So for this example it will be great to set bleed for this particular artboard only to 0.3mm So it would be great to have possibility set bleed in export persona or just in artboard preferences like margin. Thanks for your hard work cheers
  3. This is a huge step back. This was really great feature to have bleed in export preset. I hope you guys will fixed it soon. Thanks
  4. Well I'm exciting for this release more than 2 years. And as closer it is I'm more eager. It's shame that you don't have it yet. I need to started making new 100 pages brochure next week and you do not even know how much I'd like to do it in Publisher, instead I must to do it in InDesign again :/
  5. Hi guys, are you planning some Slack integration? It will be great to have some easy sharing persona. Now is really annoying to export design upload it somewhere get some feedback make changes and export it again and upload it again. I will be very useful to have some easy collaborating tool in Affinity. Thanks for reply Michal
  6. Hi, i hear that you want to make some prototyping tool (link). It's great move and if it's will be as great as i hope, i will be jumping meter high with pure joy. I love your Designer and it's very helpful to me. But thinks like prototyping and wireframes is make my life much more easier. Unfortunately now i must thinking out how to make prototypes with only .png or .jpeg files, and it's not very nice think. And i'm not talking about that i can't install any third-party plugins for Designer like Quant-UX or Craft. These programs make my life much more satisfying. I'm very supporting you in this idea, and when this will be done, the Affinity designer will be unstoppable :) I have only few tips for you: 1) please make it more like Quant-UX, it's a great program for prototyping it has logic elements, build-in wireframe widgets, great screen grid with lines connections. (Only bad think is that i can't import my screens from Designer, only as .png) 2) layer animation, please make it, the Principle will be useless than. 3) Fixed header, fixed footer, very useful think 4) Own css, android or ios animations. Lot's of prototyping tools has only standard easing and when you want make some own animation or make material animations it is impossible to make it and than you are stuck because nobody want to see linear animations anymore. 5) Browser testing or live preview. This is indispensable. I want always see prototype in action and if i can't test on demand device it it's useful. The perfect solutions for this was on Pixate, only problem was, that they don't have browser testing, but they have developer tools like Chrome has. I don't want telling you what to do, you are professionals, but maybe will be these tips useful :) I'm really exited about this :D Thank you for your great work!
  7. So what do you think? :) I'ts really amazing working with Affinity, I'm really enjoying it!! Program is perfect, now it's time to make better my skills :D
  8. Hi i have the same problem. I cannot change my font. https://youtu.be/PdggPJGUiZE
  9. OK so, here is a few documents https://we.tl/HlVSN0XRsr. The partner_guide.afdesign is my original file, that i want to export to pdf as booklet, so it should look like this file partner_guide_print.afdesign. I want pdf that has include bleed and crop marks. Unfortunetely i thougt that i will be able to export the original file via export persona. But i find out that when i use export persona, it didn't include bleed. I don't know why. Maybe i do something wrong. So i figured out this procedure like in the file partner_guide_print.afdesign, in here i use simple squares and i was put the pages into it. But it didn't workout also. How i wrote earlier, when i copy the page, something get wrong with the color, but when i duplicated it, everything remains the same. This was the first problem. Second problem was the printing, i try to print out the file partner_guide_print_9.pdf but it's didn't happend. The booklet was damage, and somewhere under some objects was black squares instead of transparency. So i try to rasterize everything, and look what happened, file partner_guide_print_rastr.pdf. So, maybe i'm just stupid and I'm using affinity wrong :D In normal case i would do this in InDesign, but i love your Aff Designer so I must to try this to find out if there is such a thing possible. I know that Aff Design is not made for publishing, but i think it's a great program for small booklets or posters, so i'm trying to make this booklet in your program. Thanks for respond
  10. Hi, I came across a strange mistake. I'll start from the beginning. I'm working on a brochure, with bend in the middle , so I started doing it in final form (that how it's should look like). I thought that i can join it through the export persona and converted to pdf and with bleeds and crop marks like here ( ). However, when i combine the two artboards, the bleed disappear after export. So I decided to dived the pages manually by the squares and then reoorder the pages for the finall print. But when i copy the pages each half has a different color. When I give duplicate, so it will not. I do not know if it's a bug in the program or just an incorrect settings or using affinity. Thanks for the reply. I hope this is not too confusing post :) PS: look at the attached file. It's quire obvious that each half has different color.
  11. Hi, it's already ok. I don't know why, but when i try to open the file from finder, it's always tell me that it's can not be opened. But when i try to open it from affinity designer, everything was ok.
  12. Hi, little problem. I have at work the newest beta version of designer on Windows, but in home i have this newest beta version on my mac. I find a problem to open the documents that i made in work on Windows on my mac. Any solutions? Thanks
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