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Everything posted by nwhit

  1. In the newest beta, tried the Document/Add Pages from File to see about the previous hangs/crashing. Didn't crash but it did add several blank pages at the end of the doc in addition to the pages from the 2-3 files I added. Not the end of the world, but probably not right.
  2. Thanks, Walt. A bit complex but it works. Kinda still wish there were a doc pref to set the document spelling language like in ID. Small point, but sure would help with importing older done ID/IDML files. As I've said before, when we create our newest docs in APub (which we are now doing, so having a hard time keeping the two workflows/features straight!), we start with defaults already set to the appropriate language, which with a new doc is easy. It's just the importation of docs more than a single page with a bunch of text blocks that are an issue. But at least your workaround makes it possible to fix in short order.
  3. Aha! Now I see! That is a VERY strange way of creating presets! And it now ties to the other thread where it appears that you cannot edit exiting presets. Looks like you have to select the one you want to change, make the changes, then save as the same name, then you have to use the Manage Presets to delete the original and perhaps move the new one into the right order. Quite clumsy and non-intuitive at the moment.
  4. Is this something happening in the latest beta that doesn't happen in the release version?
  5. Unfortunately, the Select All on the imported IDML doesn't do it. In playing with the new beta (549), I see that a Select All does not allow a change to any Grouped text frames/layers. Thus many of the text blocks remain in the wrong spelling language. And unfortunately most of the imported IDML documents won't come in with Text Styles from ID since on many, many shorter docs (less than 6-pages), we seldom used styles. Thus it appears that many text blocks are coming in as No Style, where it appears that we can't set a spelling language for No Style based on what I'm seeing (might be overlooking something obvious). Just wish there were a way to be able to take an imported document like this, or even a pdf imported/opened (although haven't looked at this issue in a pdf yet), and set the spelling language for everything. Very tedious to have to go to each and every text block/frame to check and change the language.
  6. Either I'm not understanding how this works or something isn't right. Here's what I did to test creating and using a custom preset/profile: 1) Create Preset and give it a name; 2) Select that new Profile name in the dropdown; 3) Select Edit Profile; 4) Go through all the listed checks and disable everything except one check; 5) Reselect the new test profile and do a Check Now. However, it proceeds to show me numerous errors from different checks instead of only from the single check I had specified. And I not understanding how to set up a custom check that can remain in the Profile dropdown to run my specified check(s) only? The beta Help on this is VERY unclear about how to do this. Thanks.
  7. Just tried it on an IDML import and works fine. Went to an existing paragraph of text, added a <CR>, then used the Delete key to delete it. Worked okay here.
  8. If it's not in the IDML, then, yes, be great to have an Pref to set for IDML imports. I've learned to reset the option, but other users may not be aware of this and start adding a bunch of resources to an imported IDML without realizing they are being embedded. Thanks.
  9. In playing with a few multi-page IDML imports, I see that I can go to each page, do a Select All, then in the Character panel I can set it to UK English. A bit tedius but doable. Maybe there is an easier way to set a document's dictionary pref???
  10. This may be something obvious that I'm not seeing, but can we set the default spelling dictionary for the imported document? We produce in both UK and US English, but the IDML imports are sometimes coming in as US instead of UK English. I cannot seem to find a place to set the document's default language within APub the way I can in ID. It's probably an obvious thing but I can't seem to find it.
  11. I've noticed that in beta 535 when opening/importing an IDML that the document setup prefs still show Prefer Embedded for resources despite all resources for those docs being linked in the ID and IDML file. Easy to change after import. Assuming a person understands that they will have to do that each time they open an IDML! Hopefully there is a way to have it so that importing an IDML sets the resosurce pref as Linked, not embedded. Even if it can't be "read" from an IDML, still seems it would preferable to hard set it to Linked since I would not think many people have created ID files with embedded resources.
  12. Aha! I thought I remember hearing about it, but when I looked, I didn't try the "Format" selection. Might be an idea for the interface/gui to show that selection with an ellipsis (...) to indicate there is a dialog with options. Then apparently for it to work with missing fonts, needs the fix Sean mentioned. I guess I had hoped that the Font Manager would provide that functionality like in ID. Missing fonts apparently will be an issue with both IDML and PDF importing of previous docs, so an easy method to permanently replace them is critically needed, especially when they are showing as missing (including those that are really there, but IDML and/or APub is not seeing as the same font).
  13. I just redid the ID doc linking to all resources, having made sure all resources had filetype extensions. This time when opening in beta 535, no problems. All resources were found. With this opening in 535, it also cured the issue of several of the resources coming in inside a Picture Frame, but with no controls. This time only one graphic item didn't have any controls, which is a huge improvement. The remaining "mystery" graphic is the "Aero logo-3D-no shad-tiny.eps". Not sure why that is the only one that didn't have any controls. Yes, some of the linked graphics were old and possibly pre OSX. Good test of IDML importing on these old/legacy ID files to see where the issues are in retrieving legacy files like this. A few of our clients' documents were originally created in PageMaker and "refreshed", imported or recreated in ID. And soon they will be "recreated"/refreshed in APub!
  14. Just tried opening that IDML file in beta 535 and it did not crash when using the Locate button in the Font Manager. On replacing missing fonts, I am at a loss on how to do that. In the panel for Find and Replace, I don't see any options for specifying finding a specific font family and style, or replacing fonts with another. With ID, there is the Find Font function that can find fonts throughout the document and permanently replace with another. With the upcoming IDML import, or even with PDF import, it will be a critical function to be able to find and replace all instances of "missing" or undesirable fonts. Without an equivalent Find Font functionality, I'm not seeing any practical way to do this in a somewhat complex text frame document with multiple fonts and locations on multiple pages, etc. Hopefully that will be something that will be available in the final 1.8.
  15. You may have incorrectly posted this to the wrong forum. This is the Publisher beta forum, not the Photo beta forum.
  16. With new beta, tried opening a previous IDML. Once again, it said that resources were missing (they were in in the Links folder in the same place as when the IDML was created). When I relinked the first "missing" resource, it then asked for another from that same folder (shouldn't it be able to find all of the supposedly "missing" resources if they are all in that same folder?), I selected the 2nd one and it froze the modal dialog requiring a Quit to get rid of the dialog. This is one of the previously uploaded IDML set of files: "Aero LAS A4..."
  17. Just tried the Add Pages From File and once the dialog opened and I tried to click on anything, the app crashed. Affinity Publisher Beta_2020-01-17-093204_TRAC-Main17.crash
  18. Yes, got the crash also trying to create a new style. Happened after clicking the "Save/Create" button. Affinity Publisher Beta_2020-01-15-163557_TRAC-Main17.crash
  19. On item 3, I copied the text from the imported IDML and pasted it into TextEdit. It seems that somewhere in the process several small "spaces" were added within words. Those "spaces" may be the "unsupported characters" in the error message, but not sure how they got there. Possible misinterpreting of ID hyphenation?
  20. Opened "Clean Water 2017 - Fresh Water.idml" (you have this file and links) and when running the Preflight, this time it said there were missing fonts. I don't recall the font being missing (Futura Bold) in the last beta when imported/opened, but don't know that for sure. 1) Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not seeing a function in the Font Manager to "Replace all occurrences with this font" in order to find and replace all errors without having to go throughout the doc 1 by 1. Maybe there is another way I've missed such as the Search?? Be nice to be able to do this within Font Manager since it is a somewhat common thing opening older docs, etc. 2) I then did a Locate on the "missing" font (Futura Bold) and manually changed the font to the same one but one that worked (not sure what happened, same font and style). I then went back into the Font Manager (having left the window open) and did a Locate again, but this time I got an immediate crash (report attached). 3) Also got an odd Warning in the Font Manager about "Unsupported Characters use". Can't see anything in that text block that is obvious. I also selected all and reapplied the font and style (Times Italic) and still get the error message. I don't see any odd characters. For your reference and testing, these spare text blocks are on the pasteboard to the right of pages 1 and 2. Affinity Publisher Beta_2020-01-15-151505_TRAC-Main17.crash
  21. Just tried to import the "Aero LAS A4" IDML again in today's new beta and have mostly the same issues, plus an odd opening issue. 1) Upon opening, it said it could not find several resources and asked if I wanted to locate. You have theses files (ID and IDML plus links), and all images, etc., were linked to a Links folder. However, APub didn't seem to know that for several of the resources, so I had to locate them. However, when I selected the 2nd "missing" file, the dialog froze up (see screenshot). I ended up having to do an ESC to get out of the dialog. Interestingly, it had actually saved that linage. 2) All of the previous graphics that did not have Picture Frame controls are the same -- no controls. 3) Did not get the warning/error after opening the Resource Manager and replacing a graphic. That said, none of them showed Modified, only Missing this time, plus I had that hang at opening during the Locate function.
  22. Get an error message when doing a File>Share>Email. The share works and I get the attached file in an email, but got the error message twice. Did an HDR Merge on RAW files with Tone Mapping, then the Share. Use this feature often and always worked in 1.7.x, so not sure what this is.
  23. I just tried selecting a photo in Photos, Clicked Edit, used button to select Edit in Affinity Photo (beta), in APh I added an adjustment layer (curves), added a Live Filter (Gaussian Blur), clicked Save, closed the window, returned to Photos, clicked the Save button, all changes were there. Clicked the Done button in Photos edit mode and returned to the Photos browser and all changes were there. Didn't need to do any flattening. I realize that this was not extensive testing by any means, so not completely indicative of issues in the beta, but adding layers and round-tripping worked in this case. Not sure why, but thought I would at least let you know. This is in Mojave with Metal, so can't speak to Catalina issues.
  24. I routinely have to use the MacOS Zoom feature (CTRL-scroll) to see some things. Thus it would be nice to be able to change the sizes of the tools and other icons/text.
  25. Just checked my 5k iMac and I'm not seeing a significant diff when the windows are overlapped. I do agree that much of the interface is (and has been) a bit too small to comfortably see on a 27" iMac.
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