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  1. ew ugly ,but thanks for the link ..hate flat icon clipartish look ..very unrealistic. modern is realism .After all that is the SCORM standard which the UI/UX is part of. Those icons aren't the SCORM standard
  2. true to form .. would love to see 3d soon
  3. dang I wanted to do 3d in photo ,and its windows You have wix collection working so really how hard is it
  4. 3D.Invigorator.PS.6.1.1 wont work nor will alien skin Eye candy 7.1 at least the alien skin will show up in the menu,but grayed out
  5. 1a It should work. `1b I dont have an apple
  6. I tried to buy Affinity Photo on the last day ..no dice as the paypal didnt work..now i will loose the plugins ,and the deal. No problem with the the Designer .I even tried an alternate Paypal method .Nope your pay pal email doesn't work. What gives.
  7. nope been trying to buy via paypal and still brings me back to the payment option screen ,and yes already bought designer via paypal. Apparently if you had a paypal name like xara group or number or email I could pay u directly then it would be fine as my card wait in limbo..nope tried the affinity email to pay u guys still cant pay ..would like to buy photo dang now it seems time is running out what gives .
  8. Magix/xara has lower end editors..I doubt serif will go the VE route. I do belive XARA will combine the best of Sony and Magix Video pro in the near future, That would be cool.
  9. It has nothing to do with installing..this has to do with not having the styles in the first place .Also, we are talking about Ui kit here. thanks
  10. is ther eone that we can import from adobe or somewhere that u can suggest ..look a xara 3d its in the xara designer
  11. still no response on getting styles with the kit as I didnt get it the styles
  12. Figures avoid what i say due to the fact i mention Amiga as it puts fact, and a thorn in all of your sides. Free yes and superior software on the Amiga side. Yes I mentioned magix its here comes blender ,and resolve this or that.It seems as though that as soon as anyone that mentions an Amiga that person doesn't know crap.Funny we are the ones that started the Editing on every level ,and use still superior software and hardware. Yet you continue to look for the answers.i give you the better alternative sad sad shame. Well, it is what it is maybe serif will do pretty good with affinity
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