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Everything posted by loukash

  1. You may want to upload the offending document so that others can check it out. Also, which Publisher version are you using on which MacOS? I used to encounter a similar problem with an earlier version:
  2. The "bug" is that the Adjustments panel acts as "buttons" while hiding your presets. To see your presets at all, you can't but click each adjustment, thus either creating a new layer, or applying "Default" to your selected adjustment layer, overwriting your previous setting. Bad UI concept to begin with.
  3. Actually I suspect this is meant to be "by design". To understand the idea, you may want place the Adjustments panel separately, with the Layers panel side by side and observe what happens. To me, the Adjustments panel is really just the "interface" (poor implementation notwithstanding) to apply presets: If you select an adjustment layer in the Layers panel and then click the corresponding line in the Adjustments panel, then the Default preset is applied to your selection. There's logic in what it does. Especially since I actually do have my custom presets stored in there, and I would expect them to be applied to the very adjustment layer I've selected, not to create a new layer of the same again and again. Count me to the "It's a feature!" camp now!
  4. Apart from being designer by main profession, I also do a lot of audio editing, CD mastering and such. Logic Pro runs great. The worst bottleneck was the original "classic" hard drive. After I've replaced it in 2019 with a 2TB high quality SanDisc SSD, this MacBook just flies. So for me, I still keep on saying that "they will have to pry my MBP with the matte display and DVD drive from my cold, dead hands!" Besides, Apple's inflated prices on those hardwired 2TB SSDs in their current MBP 16" line are definitely a dealbreaker. I'll rather spend money on spare parts for my trusty MBP when something breaks again. (And it will, sooner or later.)
  5. Um, why not? Been there done that, too, and I had my reasons to do it that way.
  6. I see, that's the follow-up model with SSD, without matte display option and without DVD drive. And more pricey. (Which were the very reasons why I ordered the "old" MacBook immediately after those details became public.) Nonetheless, many specs remained the same, so they are still comparable. That can make a difference. Will check that out.
  7. Alright, that's not what I've been doing at all. I've been adding Adjustment layers directly from the Layers panel by clicking the small button at the bottom. Much faster. To me, the Adjustment panel only appears to be useful if I need to apply a preset. Yep, I can replicate that now. The question now is: Is that a bug or is that a "feature"? With Serif, you'll never know until they confirm either way…
  8. Likely so. These are quite likely UI glitches. Happens randomly in all Affinity apps all the time: palettes don't update, pointers don't change, tools don't switch, guides don't show up, you name it. Usually the fastest solution is to save all work, quit the app, relaunch. Just yesterday, upon finishing editing a few images in Photo and closing the main window, there remained a lone blank sticky toolbar button background (duh!) floating freely above all other apps. Quit Photo, relaunch, unable to reproduce. Problem solved for now. Me too. Which display? Mine is the custom matte (yay!) 1680×1050. Which MacOS? I'm currently on El Capitan, but I can boot this Mac freely from Mountain Lion up to Catalina. It's just that El Capitan is my "mission critical" partition of choice, for many reasons, compatibility with Adobe CS5.5 being one of them. So perhaps there could be a "pattern" for certain display glitches of this kind? Compare e.g. my bug report here: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/129697-default-dialog-buttons-blank-in-light-mode-on-el-capitan/
  9. MacBook Pro 15" Mid-2012 here, El Capitan right now, but I can boot it to anything from Mountain Lion to Catalina. Doesn't seem likely to me. OS problems would usually affect display issues on screen, not necessarily export.
  10. I don't think so. Intended output: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/uploads/monthly_2021_01/final_result_(wrong_result).png.ade59b104bb3582cef87be0b6951c129.png Your export: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/uploads/monthly_2021_01/copy.png.a9c16a006f79d35e9b103ccb99694ebe.png I.e. exactly the same as https://forum.affinity.serif.com/uploads/monthly_2021_01/1101930249_howIseeitonaffinity(correctresult).png.141171afaf8cd66f59daf8c5c2347b77.png Can you send it to me as well? I think I have an idea.
  11. Here the archived original download page with description: web.archive.org/web/20021216221357/markzware.com/freebies/Quark_3.3x_4.x/Word_Counter_XT.html
  12. How can I possibly know what the future will bring? Do you? Come on. I gave you an example off the top of my head how I've been using text counter in the past, say, 25 years in real life projects. ~~~ Meanwhile, I've looked up an ancient but still working installation of XPress 4 (!) that I was using some 20 years ago. XPress 4 didn't have a text counter built in, but I was using the 3rd party XTension "Word Counter XT" by Markzware that's been around since 1993! What a sophisticated and flexible beast at counting! Take that, InDesign CS5.5! (Don't know how InDesign CC counts text these days though.) ID CS5.5 uses the Info palette contextually: I'd be fine with that for a start. What? Did I just hear someone saying that Publisher – and Designer, for that matter – doesn't have an Info panel? Like, you know, the Info panel in Photo? Well, then it's about time they finally add it! Well, that's exactly what was so brilliant about Markzware's Word Counter XT: they gave you display options to choose from. Which reminds me… Hey, I've got this QuarkXPress 2015 that was a free (!) giveaway by heise.de a few years ago, sleeping here on my El Capitan partition, widely unused. Let's see if they have a built-in counter. There it is, Utilities menu > Word And Character Count: A modal window? How pathetic… Having "Unique word count" is nice for writers, but not really necessary in a layout app. Personally, I don't care about full-width characters either as I don't do Japanese & co. But still better than nothing at all.
  13. Yup, hence my initial question: Note also the background color of the pasted "front" and "Back" text snippets.
  14. That's okay. But perhaps you may want to work in Designer more often and switch back and forth to Photo for "pixel pushing"…?
  15. The text hasn't disappeared. It only tries to follow your "command" which is quite hard because you gave all styles to the same flow rule. The app only does what it's been told. The rest then became overflow text. Go to the last text frame and click on the red eye to make the overflow text visible: https://affinity.help/publisher/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Text/flowingText.html?title=Flowing text through frames Hint: If you're working with long text and you're experimenting with features like this one, insert a dozen or so blank pages at the end so that the text can continue to flow if needed. You can always delete the blank pages when you're finished. So, Affinity Publisher is an advanced tool. Some of its features have a steep learning curve, and this is one of them. Take your time to experiment. Even though I was one of the "early adopters", I only started to migrate my InDesign CS5 projects a few weeks ago, after noticing that some of the early bugs and flaws have finally been fixed in v1.8.x. So now I'm at it since weeks, to learn how to use this tool. It takes time, especially after more than 15 years of InDesign "muscle memory" (and 15 years XPress and PageMaker before that)…
  16. Yep, when I select/deselect: View menu > Show Guides View menu > Preview Mode
  17. It's a feature, not a bug. It's not broken, only its logic is quite complex, especially when used on hierarchical styles. But sometimes this very setting can be exactly what you would need to achieve a certain automatic flow of text around objects in columns and on pages. Been there done that many many times since the Aldus PageMaker days… In other words, it's a Good Thing™. It was just the wrong setting for your purpose.
  18. Statistics-while-we're-at-it-anyway. Some folks like this kinda weird stuff, you know. And sometimes I can only tell you why I need it when I need it. Look, if you don't have any use for it, that's okay. For example, I, for one, haven't had any use for the Index feature in the past 30 years of doing DTP either, yet. But I understand that many people use it. So for me the Index panel has always been just sitting there, unused. "It doesn't eat any hay", as a very old Swiss German saying goes. (Äs frisst ke Heu)
  19. I create a layout draft using filler text. Waiting for the text guy to deliver his final text for me to fill in. He asks how many characters I want him to write. I want to count my filler text characters only to find out that this decades old standard page layout functionality is non-existent in Publisher. Voilà.
  20. C'mon, that's mean… Haven't needed it yet, but that's seriously a glaring omission. Especially since e.g. on Mac, Affinity doesn't seem to support the global MacOS Services which would easily solve the issue by running e.g. WordService from Devon Technologies. Workaround on Mac: get Keyboard Maestro, you won't regret it, ever! create a global (so that you can use it in any other app, too) macro, approximately like this: copy text to clipboard run macro by selecting it from the KM status menu or by your custom keyboard shortcut It's just a "quick hack". For some reason, Line Count always returns 1 regardless from which app the text was copied. So the macro may need some refinement in that regard.
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