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Pierce Marengo

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  1. Please add functionality to scale objects proportionally when contour and/or corner tool has been applied, similar to the "scale with object" feature on a stroke.
  2. Also, here's another glitch happening when I'm trying to fill in a mask for the shadow.
  3. Also this weird thing happens when applying a shadow. (black background around the shape)
  4. When I'm designing, I notice items just disappearing, and coming back and fourth as I zoom in and out. This makes it hard to compare designs. I see it happening a lot of the time with masks. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Edit: It does it with or without the masks. MACOS Version 10.14.6 Affinity Photo Version 1.10.1
  5. +1, would be a helpful feature to be able to assign shortcuts to expanding and collapsing groups (individually, and all at once).
  6. When working on a complex website concept design I found myself wanting to press COMMAND F so that I could search for a specific word or phrase and/or replace it. I think it'd be a cool feature.
  7. @smadell Thank you very much, this is exactly the type of lossless solution I was looking for. I used it as a mask and it works perfectly.
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