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Everything posted by joe_l

  1. I have no clue about the technical difficulties involved, but don't you think, that the lines have to be not clearly visible AND printable? So in terms of PDF export anti-aliasing is unusable? WHYSINWYG?
  2. Let's say we import a PDF containing several dashed lines. Often enough a dashed line is split into several parts and I would like to put them together again. 1) I select the parts. 2) Join curves. Result: If a part of the lines has a solid style and the rest a dashed style, all lines are turned into a solid style. Wouldn't it be better to inherit the line style depending on the first line selected? Attached a before and after example.
  3. 1. Write some text. 2. Give it a white stroke aligned to inside. 3. Force off anti-aliasing for this layer. 4. Export as press-ready PDF. Result: In the export preview you won't see any problem, but the PDF shows partially some extra lines which will be also printed. Test file attached. thinner.afpub
  4. Often enough I have to work on tables, that come as a PDF and are not tables anymore. My workflow is then to create a new table in APu and drag the (marked) text into the cells of the newly created table. Unfortunately I am not allowed to drag text into tables that are outside the page (cursor with red X shows it). The tables have to be at least a tiny bit on the page (I personally prefer a greater distance between table and text). But it is possible to drag text from off-the-page to a table on the page. It would be nice to drag and drop everywhere, no matter where the elements are. EDIT: In v1.x it was possible to drag text into tables off-the-page.
  5. 1. Write some text without an Umlaut. 2. Mesh the text a bit. 3. Replace a character with an Umlaut. There has to be some place where the new vectors should be placed, but this way? Intended feature? Unintended bug? See video for better understanding. EDIT: When you write an Umlaut from the start, there is no distortion. warpgroup.mp4
  6. Sorry, arbeite mit Windows. Mit den Panels Farbe und Farbpalette scheint es ja zu funktionieren. Mit eigener Palette starten: Geht auch. Lege deine Palette fest und mache sie zum Standard z. B. für CMYK. Siehe Bild. Was mir aber tierisch auf die Nerven geht: Ich habe eine Standardpalette für CMYK festgelegt, sie wird aber nicht standardmäßig als Erste im Palettendropdown angezeigt (Pantone drängt sich immer vor). So viel zum "Standard". Bei der Farbbehandlung und Farbverwaltung ist bei den Affinities noch sehr viel Luft nach oben. Der Umstieg von Adobe auf Affinity war in diesem Bereich sehr holprig.
  7. 1) Mit der Pipette aus der Werkzeugleiste die Maus über deinem Dokument gedrückt halten. Wenn du die Maus bewegst wird eine Lupe daraus. 2) In den Panels Farbe und Farbpalette die Pipette mit gedrückter Maustaste in andere Bereiche ziehen. Der Cursor verwandelt sich hier automatisch in eine Lupe.
  8. A) Du suchst mit der Farbpipette die Farbe aus und fügst sie mit einem der beiden Icons neben dem Palettendropdown im Panel Farbfelder hinzu. B) Rechtsklick auf vorhandene Farbe, Füllung bearbeiten, mit der Pipette dort die Farbe aussuchen, ein Klick auf das Farbefeld neben der Pipette. Gebe ich dir recht, könnte einfacher laufen. Farbpipette soll ganzen Bildschirm nutzen? Ich stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch, weil ich nicht weiß, worauf du hinaus willst.
  9. While you are on the mask, just use the brush tool to paint where the fingers are. The transparency of the coin was only meant for seeing where the fingers are. Afterwards you can set transparency back to 100 %. Edit: Fast masked image attached. Fine tuning is up to you. Edit 2: Added an Inner Glow on the coin to make it a "bit" more natural. eeecoin-fast-masking.afphoto
  10. There are different approaches. Mine was adding a mask on the coin and erasing on the mask the parts of the fingers with the brush tool (black, or white for reversing the erase) plus I gave the coin transparency, so that I can still see the fingers. eeecoin-supported-hands-out-together-in-the-works.afphoto
  11. Are they really spot? Spot colours have a little circle in bottom right area. Do you have sample document you could upload here?
  12. Makes sense. Thx. As a side note on my document tab 0.3% is shown as lowest value with a dot instead of comma in German.
  13. @Serif Info Bot The latest beta is ... the latest retail version is
  14. A 0 % view of a document should show what? Always being bad at math I am convinced that a 0 % view should show nothing. Typing 0 into the Navigator input field jumps back to 1 %, but with the scroll wheel you can get a view of 0 %. I guess there are some decimals I cannot see working in the background, as values with decimals in the Navigator get always rounded. Minor flaw. Nothing spectacular.
  15. Not really a bug or a small one, room for improvement. 1) Create a document with two pages. 2) Export and type 3 into the field Pages. Result: You will be informed, that the preview will be created and the estimated filesize is still being calculated at 100%.
  16. The Affinities have problems with the fonts. A workaround could be to save the PDF as EPS and then opening in APublisher / ADesigner. Please note, that in this case all fonts are converted to curves. See attached EPS. Or open in Inkscape. Canon_in_D_Violin_Duet.eps
  17. Unfortunately I cannot deliver the InDesign files, as this extract was taken from a product manual I downloaded. Illustrator CS6 struggles also a bit with the PDF, but the blanks are inserted at the right place. As a sidenote: When I copy the text from Acrobat, APu inserts an extra blank at the ligatures.
  18. I am pretty sure, I read this on the forums already, but cannot remember where. Opening the PDF in APu the textframe has only blanks at the end of the line. Copying the text from Acrobat and pasting into APu, all blanks are preserved. Attached images shows it. On the left opened PDF, on the right copied text. extrakt.pdf
  19. Since I do not have this special ICC profile (EFI, I used their RIPs aeons ago), I converted the document to PSO Coated v3 and exported it with the same profile. There was no change in colour.
  20. I would like to have an easier way, just a simple line, which can be moved and bended in any direction. Try to unbend the lines with your workflow shown in the attached image. This would take a bit longer. I am using quite often arrows, so this would take too long. I have to confess, the double line arrowhead is a rare use-case.
  21. This part is not so important to me. It is just the white / black arrowheads to be placed perfectly.
  22. Variatio delectat or there is more than one way to create an arrow in Affinity. But none of the solutions I found is satisfactory. Maybe there is no solution without a disadvantage. Attached image shows four arrows. A is made with the Arrow Tool. Not easy to handle, when you add changes to the direction. B is a line made with an additional stroke in Appearance, BUT the black arrowhead is not perfectly placed above the white arrowhead. C has an Outline FX, but with a rounded white arrowhead and getting rasterised on export. D is the perfect one, but made of two lines. Too much work. Anyone an easy solution I haven't thought of?
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