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David in Яuislip

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Posts posted by David in Яuislip

  1. 1 hour ago, thomaso said:

    Isn't sharpness a question of contrast

    Yes, edge sharpness, what we used to call acutance in the darkroom days

    Lots of info about sharpening on the internet, much of it twaddle
    If you read an expert, the late Bruce Fraser, he recommended using Luminosity blend mode and restricting sharpening to midtones between levels 25 & 200 which translates to 10 & 78 in Photo Blend Ranges. The attached macro attempts to do that, adjust USM parameters as required

    As an example I took an image 5076x3806 px and resized using Bicubic to 800x600, saved as png without sharpening, with Photo USM at radius=0.3, factor=2 and the macro. These were converted to webp at quality 65 using cwebp

    File sizes:
    webp65    png    
    34386    640974    SharpenNone
    55290    788657    SharpenUSM
    53586    761879    Sharpen25-200

    Now a visual example. Note how a browser will follow windows display settings and upscale images. This can be corrected with Javascript. Note also that sharpening can be done on an unsharpened image by the browser. It's not much different from using an image editor and there is a good saving on filesize. File zipped  to avoid forum mangling
    Bonus point if you know the location


    Sharpen25-200Lum.afmacro SharpenDemo.zip

  2. The screenshot below shows an image in Chrome with the same image in Irfanview at 100%. The Chrome image is larger because the browser uses the Windows system/display/scale settings which is set here at 125%. If you run the attached html file it will display window.devicePixelRatio which shows here as 1.25 hence the pixellation through browser upsizing. If you're using Mac I suppose there is something similar



  3. 16 hours ago, Bololoco said:

    I suppose there's little point in suggesting it to the canva design team

    I doubt it as Canva has Magic Animate
    Here I've used the mirror filter and simply taken screenshots at diffent Number of mirrors, stacked, cropped and exported as slices then
    img2webp -lossy -m 6 -q 20 -d 300 slice1.png slice2.png slice3.png slice4.png slice5.png slice4.png slice3.png slice2.png -o out.webp
    which can be viewed in a browser

    img2webp is part of the cwebp package available at

    For other formats you could use imagemagick or ffmpeg


  4. On 4/5/2024 at 4:08 PM, awakenedbyowls said:

    I found the culprit - some file called PersonaBackstore.dat

    There could well be more

    Powershell users can use this script. I got fed up with the lousy housekeeping so wrote this to report the extent of the crime. It's been extended and my version will delete the junk but I'm not sharing that in case it causes an eclipse or worse



  5. I downloaded the files from
    as it was the only place I could find the hyphenation file

    The hyph_pl_PL.dic & pl_PL.aff show ISO8859-2 at the top, I changed these to UTF-8
    The word count in pl_PL.dic is wrong, I corrected it to 308305
    I use Notepad++, it showed the Encoding as ANSI, I changed that to UTF-8
    Rather strange, Październik was missing from the dictionary so I added it. So is Sierpień but I left that so it shows a spelling error. If you right click on Sierpień it causes a crash
    So a partial success, screenshot shows the hyphenation working, whether it is valid I don't know
    Hours of fun

    ps translation for non-Poles like me:
    The boy stood on the burning deck with a glass of bison grass vodka
    Chłopiec stał na płonącym pokładzie ze szklanką wódki z trawy żubrowej

    Where is Red October?
    Gdzie jest Czerwony Październik?


  6. Using Photo V1.10.6 on windows 11 without OpenCL this file causes an immediate crash.
    All this hif/heif/heic stuff is a moving target and I find the only reliable way is to convert to another format eg using imagemagick
    It has four eight bit channels so I used
    magick HEIFImage.HEIC png32:HEIFImage.png
    which opens properly. If you have a folder full of similar files you can use mogrify to speed up the process

  7. I can't read your V2 file and I might be off with my understanding that you want to isolate something from a jpg then cut holes in that
    I don't have a case but I do have a cake so that will have to do
    1) use an image layer not pixel
    2) use Geometry/Merge Curves not Boolean subtract to form the clipping object

    What I did is in the pdf, any other approach will result in rasterisation of the clipped image
    Good luck


  8. I sampled a reddish colour in the guy's face then sampled a browner spot from the guy two to the right
    So I changed #B66762 to #A86957 by a procedural texture R-14/255 G+2/255 B-11/255
    It looked too green so I tried R-14/255 G-4/255 B-11/255
    If that looks ok try the overlay in the zip, it's a neutral grey modified with that procedural texture. Place it over the face with the blend mode set to soft light. All very subjective of course. Can't upload the picture here so that's zipped as well

    NewSkinColourOverlay.zip NewSkinColour.zip

  9. 2 hours ago, R C-R said:

    so no vignette that I can see but a small amount of what resembles fisheye distortion

    I don't see any fisheye, a little barrel but overall the correction is pretty good.
    If excellent is required then use PhotoLab or Capture One. The attached file, zipped to prevent forum mangling, has the PL image with red straight 1px lines on the left and right, if you do the equivalent on my image above then you can see the difference but most people wouldn't see it. The other image shows parallax correction, I don't know how to do that in Photo


  10. There are a couple of issues with Photo and Canon files, it can be incorrect interpretation of the metadata hence not applying any lens correction or misunderstanding the lensfun data. Without knowing the body & lens you're using it's impossible to advise further, not all CR3 files are equal. carl123 mentioned posting a problem file shortly after your initial post, that's the way forward

  11. I always thought a ligature was a tourniquet, quelle surprise
    As I understand it, ligatures as a default are on, exporting to pdf subsetting fonts is the default
    Surely most folk, bearing in mind that this is a low cost program that attracts non-professionals, won't understand or want to get involved in this stuff so ligatures as a default should be off then clever people that want them can turn them on and know enough to embed the complete font?
    I had a quick play using Calibri which seems to be one of the worst culprits. It's trivial to turn off the ligatures in the base style as long as one is aware.


  12. If you have your template on the clipboard and run this Powershell script then it will display the clipboard formats and copy them to the clipboard overwriting your template. Paste that into a reply to this post and someone should recognise whether it is valid for Affinity or not
    eg copying a bitmap from Photo produces
    Portable Document Format
    Serif Persona Nodes

    copying text from a text editor produces

    Use at your own risk, no responsibility accepted if your clocks all go forward one hour


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