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Everything posted by Xzenor

  1. That is the biggest bull feces I ever heard.. An extra option in the Help menu will distract you? When was the last time you even checked that menu anyway? Agreed.. Do a search on OpenCL. the amount of problems with that make it feel like a beta feature. Too many different hardware combinations to test them all in beta so it's to be expected but it does cause a lot problems that should be reported if they're ever to be fixed.. And that's not in the beta. Yeah, it's called msinfo32.exe. I wouldn't want to just openly put that file online to be honest. Too much information that I consider private. Like shares, volume names, account names.. all that stuff. Have you checked the Mac one for that kind of stuff? I honestly don't know. Never seen the mac one.
  2. There should really be a simple menu option to provide the hardware info that's being requested so many times here on the forum to debug problems. A dialog with easy copy/pasteable text, giving the installed hardware and their driver versions and maybe other stuff the development team needs to fix bugs. It's a PITA to look that stuff up every time (drivers get updated constantly) and it should be a piece of cake to implement this somewhere in the menu (help seems the most logic place). The devs won't get half information anymore; saving time and energy by not having to ask for more info or explaining where to get it. The user doesn't have to go through his/her system trying to find all the requested information (and will therefore provide it more often). Reporting bugs wouldn't be such a pain anymore, for both sides. This should be nice for Designer and Publisher too of course
  3. Thanks @anon2 that fixed that problem with Affinity.
  4. Right click the layer and select "Rasterize". Then you can copy Edit: Wait.. copy should be available in the edit menu anyway. It just should ignore the selection if it's an image layer
  5. In my quest to understand how the wonderful world of color profiles works I took a testdrive with some rainbow gradient and am now trying to wrap my head around what's going wrong. Mind you, I have the display to produce those color spaces. The source is a 32bit adobe RGB file. and I made 2 exports of that. 8bit sRGB png 8bit AdobeRGB png I specifically picked those options and embedded the icc profile in the export dialog. If I open the sRGB version in my picture viewers (tried 2FastStone and IrfanView. Both with color Managent enabled ), it looks perfect. The AdobeRGB version however looks bland. As if watching it in a viewer that doesn't support ColorProfiles. If I open the pngs in Affinity Photo again, they both look fine again, but the AdobeRGB version gives a notice that it converted the Photo into sRGB So I figured maybe the icc profile isn't properly embedded and checked it with exiftool but it's just fine. then for the fun of it I opened both pictures in Firefox (also enabled color management in there) and they both look splendid again.. what the.....?!?!?!?! Really? a browser is better at showing a different color space than an actual image viewer?? (insert prefered YouHadOneJob meme in here). I don't get it anymore.. what am I doing wrong? And why won't Affinity Photo just open an image in the color profile it's in?
  6. Sorry but warping pixels is completely different than warping vectors. But, it's not rocket science. They know how to do it. DrawPlus is the predecessor of Affinity Designer (yes, by Serif) and it has a lot of features that are still missing in Designer (and vice versa). Among the features: Envelope, Roughen and Perspective tools
  7. Apples and oranges bud.... Compare the size of the development teams to begin with... It's also open source against closed source so thousands of unpayed volunteers fixing stuff from home. While these Affinity guy's like to feed their families for some reason and get payed for their work. Odd, I know.. Now I agree on the communication. There is none and that's just wrong. The roadmap however, they've mentioned that before. They got rid of that because of the extreme responses when some feature didn't make it into the new version while it was on the roadmap. No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 are examples of why you shouldn't release something that's not finished yet. That's not just for games. The same rule works for software. The fiery responses of the users apparently exist for both as well.... But.. the communication.. or the lack thereof.. *sigh*.....
  8. Hi James, Yes, I've seen enough of your videos to know you prefer to do as little as possible in the Develop persona :) I prefer non-destructive as well but I didn't mention any of it to keep all options open. The highlights in the jpg were indeed terrible but the raw was dark and flat. Brightening it gave it a washed out look and the colors were terrible overall. Worse than the JPG (with my experience) even with the saturation to the max (I'll admit, that was in the develop persona) I downloaded the afphoto file. Thank you for your time and effort! This is very educative! The result looks kinda like what I tried to achieve. The grass actually looks green instead of something close to white and the swan still looks like the black swan it was, instead of a dark black.... thing... with white spots and a beak. I am curious though.. I get all the changes, except the perspective layer at the top. Why did you change the perspective? Not out of criticism but purely out of curiosity..
  9. Hey, This is more of a technique question. Not a problem with Affinity Photo. So, I dove into the RAW pictures and I'm running into walls here. My phone can shoot RAW but also creates a JPG from that and somehow, I can't get the RAW to look decent. The jpeg that's autogenerated by my phone always looks better, and it's not even a really great camera. Now I'm not saying the JPG looks great.. It isn't. But it's better than what I can make of it for some reason. Can anyone learn/help/teach me to make something decent of this? I added the jpg and the raw.. I'm used to working with png and jpg for photomanipulation but working with raw is fairly new to me.. IMG_20210414_165109.dng
  10. Why on earth do you want to put that much PNG's in a PDF? It sounds like you simply want to store them and that is not what the PDF format is for.
  11. There's nothing wrong with that picture bud... Don't rule out the LSD. Just kidding of course but Affinity does not do animation. Nothing.
  12. Wasn't this about the crop tool in Designer instead of Photo? It is indeed completely useless and does not work as expected at all.. The one in Photo works just fine..
  13. Oh that's odd. It's really faster for me with OpenCL turned on but I've had it hang so many times now that I've turned it off. It became unworkable. I preferred the 1.9.1 way where it would just visually screw up the effects on the image and I could still save first before manually restarting Affinity Photo, instead of having to rely on the autosave feature.
  14. Nevermind, the second one was Microsoft Remote display.. Uninstalled that as well. The intel one was completely uninstalled. Still happening though. Once it reaches 4GB the screen goes pale, the titlebar get's all windows95 design again.. a bit of clicking produces the "Hey's it's not responding. Should we wait or put the program out of its missery?" dialog. Waiting never fixed anything.
  15. I can confirm that it stops hanging if I disable it. Could I provide additional data to help the developers?
  16. GeForce experience will make sure I'm up2date I checked to be sure and there's no update available atm.
  17. [DXCore] Found 2 adapters NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Version: IsHardware: Yes Supports D3D12 Feature Level 12.0: Yes HardwareID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13C0&SUBSYS_367C0000&REV_A1 LUID: 0x11E6A Microsoft Basic Render Driver Version: 10.0.19041.546 IsHardware: No Supports D3D12 Feature Level 12.0: Yes HardwareID: PCI\VEN_1414&DEV_008C&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00 LUID: 0x129F8 [OpenCL] Found 1 platforms: Name: NVIDIA CUDA Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.3.55 [OpenCL] Found 1 devices for platform NVIDIA CUDA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA [OpenCL] Found 1 platforms: Name: NVIDIA CUDA Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.3.55 [OpenCL] Found 1 devices for platform NVIDIA CUDA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Version: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA Installed TabletContext::Create: original queue size is 50 TabletContext::Create: new queue size is 128 Attempting to create Direct3D device on default adapter Setting screen DPI to 108.917922948074 (scale = 1.0) Exit Looks fine to me.. I am curious about that second adapter though. that's a bit odd. I disabled the onboard gpu in the Bios and it's no longer visible in the device manager (even with 'show hidden devices' enabled)
  18. Seems like it's happenening once it's out of video-ram. I tried clearing a bit onced it hanged by closing my browser, that's where the used vram goes down a bit but Affinity Photo did not recover from that.
  19. Nope. Not yet anyway. Worked without crashing or hanging in 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 (some weird behavior now and then but not breaking the software). I'm hoping it's not the cause because I really love the added performance. Since I don't see any "Yeah I have that too!" replies I'm assuming it's something on my end. Probably shouldn't be in the bugs-section..
  20. Heh, I found it anyway But there's no report.. It really just hangs and won't recover anymore so I guess that makes a bit of sense.
  21. Hi, So I just ran the benchmark and I noticed something.. Multiple GPU's. I mean, what? Is this for like, an SLI setup or is it actually possible to use multiple GPU's? And if so, would it be useful to add my older GPU to get some more processing power?
  22. I mean, it happened once in a while in the previous versions. But it's really very much more since 1.9.2. Almost daily. Is it just me? I've been able to open a recovery version every time after killing a hanging Affinity Photo but it's not fun. I've lost a bit of work this way. I'm lucky that I'm not making my money with this. Are there logs I can offer to see what's wrong? Edit: FYI, I'd be glad if it was just me. Then it'd be fixable on my end instead of having to wait for an update
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