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  1. Seems promising ... will give it a try. Thanks for the share.
  2. Unfortunately they are very aware but just don’t care. Utterly disgusting. Good on you all though for making the effort. Just sad that this is what it’s come to. It’s a complete insult to users of their apps. I don’t bother with their apps anymore, I’ve found alternatives.
  3. Ah talking about “brat”, sounds like you’re looking in the mirror. You sound like a way over privileged snowflake who’s virtual signaling through his rear. This issue has been around for over a year, probably 2, many have experienced it, devs have admitted they knew about it all the time but don’t find it a priority to deal with it. That sounds like devs who don’t care to me and it sends a real bad message. But you, some buttercup who’s just come across it, now has the magic solution huh. Please ... bring it on, please, solve what the devs either couldn’t or didn’t care to in over 2 years. Bring it on buttercup. Brat😘
  4. No I’ve e given up. These devs are useless and don’t give a shit about their users. They rather work on “new features” to make more money with new releases than fix than fix what isn’t working. I’ve sent them 100s of email and they just don’t give a shit! What a waste of money, real crap attitude from Serif
  5. The devs have admitted they they are aware of it and have duplicated it. They choose to ignore it, probably thanks to people like DM1 who sends the message that they happy to ignore it because it doesn’t effect him personally and rather have the devs work on new releases rather than fix what they should have seeing users have already paid for this.
  6. As the poster noted, rating is apparently the only thing that get devs to take on their responsibilities to their paid users which they choose to ignore and over look. Again Affinity devs have been aware of this for over a year and with numerous conversations over this time THEY CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT AS THEY SAY ITS NOT A PRIORITY FOR THEM. This has been there message to me time and again. And the fact that you “happy to put up with the blob so you get the new release” exactly makes my case, it’s all good when it’s not your problem right! What pathetic input, the same as the dev team
  7. Bullshit! Easy to pass on the responsibility isn’t it when affinity devs don’t do your part! Ive been in contact with them for months now, and every time I e been told that they are aware of it BUT it is not a priority! The Affinity team is more interested on ignoring it and working on other new soft so they can make more money instead of fixing what users have already paid for! i have many emails to them and this issue has just been brushed off as “not a priority” simply ignoring the call from users to be addressed! So blaming Apple and telling users to go deal with it is just more pathetic bullshit from devs who don’t give a shit! No other vector or pixel art software has this issue, this issue is from Affinity Design and the devs don’t care!
  8. Unfortunately the AD developers don’t give a shit about the users! They’ve been informed many times, are very well aware, but have chosen to ignore it and I’ve been told it’s not a priority to them. For them a priority is rather putting together new version to make money, BUT without fixing what they required to for the product users have already paid for. Utterly disgusting attitude
  9. Hi there ... this is a query under the discussion forum for Affinity DESIGNER for iPad , not Affinity Photo ... so doubt it’s related? But thanks anyway Seneca.
  10. Hello, thank for reply But ... where on Earth is “Styles palette” and where is “Explore > edit” .... is this for the iPad version? I don’t see it anywhere ...
  11. Hi i noticed there’s pretty much no decent gradient variety in the swatches color studio ..l Is there no way to import and export gradients? I don’t see any options in the menu! I don’t want to have to create new gradient for each and every new document/file ... would be good to be able to save it “globally” for the app to be able to use when ever needed, like Assets and Brushes can be set for global, as well as imported and exported and backed up!
  12. Wow!! Seriously over a year ago?? This is very upsetting and disappointing! How can this have been ignored for so long? The brushes are one of the most important tools of Affinity Design! How can this have been ignored for so long?!
  13. Hi. Maybe another silly question, but in the Vector Persona, what exactly is the difference in function/use between the Pencil and the Brush tool? I see one can apply to all the preset brush strokes to the Pencil ... and with the Brush tool it can be set to do a basic line just like the pencil tool, just with extra customizable settings of course ..., So why even bother with the pencil tool ... or am I missing something major here? (Probably am and hoping to be happily informed of what I’m not getting ... ) TIA
  14. Hi there ... I’ve checked but that folder ONLY has the exported files, NOT the native Affinity Design files. It’s set to “on my iPad”. I want to be sure to have the native files backed up so that if I re-install the whole Affinity Design app, that I will have all the Affinity Design NATIVE files, with all the FX effects etc etc still available. where does one find and back up the native files?
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