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  1. I can export slices to iCloud, or onto my iPad, but not to Dropbox, Box or Google Drive. It would be most useful to be able to export slices to Dropbox, since it is what most of our clients use and we can keep our documents up to date automatically. Has there been any movement on this? Regards Hannes
  2. Hi @Gabe, has any progress been made on this? I am trying to export slices to Dropbox but it is not available as target. I can export single images though, which means that Dropbox is accessible. Any help appreciated.
  3. I will rebuild the file from scratch to see whether it behaves better, but some of my other files do the same – even if I save them they revert back to their previous state when opened.
  4. Hi all, I am running the trial version of Publisher to see whether it can replace my ageing InDesign application. After using Publisher for a day I too need the ability to layer items on the master page. In the attached sample, I need to be able to place the word 'draft' across all pages, over all the content. In InDesign I was able to create a layer above all other layer, and place objects on the master page to go over all other content on any page to which this master is applied. I cannot find a way of doing this in Publisher, since the master objects go to the bottom of the layer list and I don't want al the master objects to be on top (page numbers need to be underneath content). How can I have objects on a master page that will be on top of normal content, without having to shuffle layers on a page-by-page basis? Any help greatly appreciated – Publisher really does feel a lot more responsive and clean so I would love to use it instead of ID The world is quite enough.afpub
  5. Hi Sean, thanks for the reply. It happens to some other documents as well. The files are stored on my iPad by default, although I do keep some on iCloud to test roundtripping to Publisher on my Mac. I have attached the file below for you to look at. Untitled.afdesign
  6. Hi there, I am having trouble with the iPad version of Designer on iOS13 beta. When I open an existing drawing and do work on it, the app acts normally. When I'm done and want to go back to the projects view, the app quits and does not save my changes. On relaunching, sometimes the preview of the drawing shows the updated version, but once it opens I am back to where I was before I made changes. If I try save the drawing, the same happens – the app quits and none of the changes are saved. How can I go further? Is this a known issue? RPReplay_Final1562852847.mp4
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