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Posts posted by EMZ80

  1. 1 hour ago, JDW said:

    Don't give up so easily.  I've been in this forum FOR YEARS and ignored most of that time, yet I stubbornly refuse to give up on Serif.  They need a firm kick on the pants, let me tell you.  I am one of their biggest fans and biggest critics.  The ball is in their court to obliterate all criticism from me and other faithful users.  All they need to do is just deliver.  They just need to show us they are not only listening but acting on what they hear.  We need to see that somebody in their company finally stood up and said to the engineers, "Enough is enough, you idiots!  From today, we're going to do something great!"  Seriously, they need a Steve Jobsian style tongue lashing from within.  I am not an insider so my words have no impact on their company.  I can only hope their owner will do the right thing before it's too late.  And if the right thing involves a different paid app, so long as it has most of what we've been asking for through the years, I'm fine with it.  What I am not fine with is endless waiting in vain.  That is just plain stupid.  It angers me, actually.  Yet, I am still opening to moving forward with them.  Yes, you really can be upset with Serif yet support them at the same time.  But I can't do it alone.  If folks start abandoning Affinity apps, then nothing better will come. So I would encourage you to "fight the good fight" and continue to press forward to speak your might loudly in these forums.  Hopefully one day soon, they'll start to listen.

    Good points. I will definitely let them know my thoughts in my reviews of their apps and maybe we should take it to social media, I think the only way they might listen is if they realize their lack of attention to their current users is causing them to not bring new users because we're talking about how they lag behind in basic expected features, it's only fair that potential newcomers are warned about what to expect from Serif.

  2. 30 minutes ago, JDW said:

    You'll get nothing from Serif.  Sometimes the replies in this forum from members with mega-posts to their name can be helpful.  But in terms of the feature roadmap, there's little they can do.  If Serif would just respond, that's really all we ask.  If they came to us and said, we need to charge for an updated version to bring you all you've been requesting, most of us would jump in a heartbeat.  But letting the apps languish with minor updates is disheartening to say the least.  I came here several years ago in hopes the Affinity suit could unseat Adobe.  That isn't going to happen without major feature additions and meaningful updates.  And I say all this while still loving my Affinity apps.  I just wish Serif could make me love them more. 

    Well, count me out of the paid updates then 🙂

  3. Seems every time I search for something Affinity related, I always find the first result to be a thread about it from a few to several years old saying it's not available or coming soon (but it never did come). In this case this thread from 2017, saying it's in the roadmap, another thread says the roadmap was deleted. I might have put too much faith in Affinity. 

  4. On 1/9/2018 at 8:41 AM, MEB said:

    Hi chris-c-thomas,

    Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

    Since Affinity is relatively recent there's isn't much kits around yet but things are getting better as we move forward.

    You may also to take a look here. I've listed a few assets/files being shared by the community there.

    The link provided seems to have mostly broken links. Any chance these will make their way back?


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