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[FAQ] Why can't I import my Macros?

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  • Staff

You may find your Macros can't be imported into the Macros panel in Affinity Photo. This can happen because there are two types of Macro files .Macro and .Macros. Below is some information regarding these two files and how to import each file. Please also make sure you have watched our tutorial on Macros which can be found here: https://affinity.serif.com/tutorials/photo/desktop/video/309301203/


These are single Macros that have been exported via the Macro panel in turn they must also be imported into the Macro panel which is the panel shown below.



This type of file is a collection of Macros that have been exported via the Library panel and therefore must be imported into the library panel. You can see an example of this panel below.


If after reading this you are still having difficulties importing your Macro files please make a post regarding this in the questions section of this forum and if possible provide a copy of your Macro file as this will allow a member of our support team to quickly look into this further and get back to you!

Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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