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Aside from having the ability to change your brush view in the Brushes panel from a list to a grid/icons, it would be really nice to be able to rearrange the brush categories.
Every time new brushes are added, they are added in a new category at the bottom of the category list, but that category then can't be moved up or down.
This removes the ability to (for example) move all of my inking brush categories closer together and all of my painting brush categories together, to keep things tidy and organised.
Basically, in the same way you can move brushes up and down in the category list, it would be great to be able to do this with the brush categories themselves too.


Not a big deal, but it would be a handy little addition to the brushes panel that would be nice to see in a future update - I also can't imagine it being very difficult to implement something like this. :)

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  • 9 months later...

I agree, I'd like to be able to rearrange the brush categories as having their location fixed makes for tedious witching. I create my own categories, but I have a long list of categories, so that the ones I use most are stuck at the bottom, requiring me to scroll down to them. Would love to have my custom categories at the top since I use them 90% of the time.

EDIT: As an alternative, just being able to hide/unhide categories would let me maintain an uncluttered list.


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