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Affinity Publisher 171

This has been happening now for a few days.  It has never happened before and I am not sure if it is a 'Bug' or not.  I do not have AfDesign nor have ever downloaded a trial version....yet.

When I go to the PLACE command in the drop down menu the documents folder automatically opens but the option bottom right, as you see on the screen shot keeps changing. It never remains consistent.  It always opened with the AfPub option, which is to be expected, but sometimes it decides to open with .TXT, Ok not a problem, but now it sometimes opens with Afdesign? as you can see.  Is this a bug?



Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

43 minutes ago, haakoo said:

Probeer het eens met drag/drop ipv place,dit werkt ook met pictureframes.

You know you're reacting in Dutch here to somebody from 'South Irish Coast' right? ;)


1 hour ago, Chris26 said:

When I go to the PLACE command in the drop down menu the documents folder automatically opens but the option bottom right, as you see on the screen shot keeps changing. It never remains consistent.  It always opened with the AfPub option, which is to be expected, but sometimes it decides to open with .TXT,

Yes, I think this is a bug too. I had the exact same thing last weekend and I never switched to text myself before, it was just selected by itself while placing an image. At first I thought it was remembering a last setting (eventhough I never opened a txt-file by the program), but now I see you are having the same problem I'm sure it's something in the software here. So maybe you could add thison to the bug forum indeed.


3 hours ago, haakoo said:

Probeer het eens met drag/drop ipv place,dit werkt ook met pictureframes.

Ik gebruik xnviewmp hiervoor ipv win explorer

trouwens,als je een pictureframe selecteert en daarna place ,dan moet het een affinity file,pdf of foto formaat zijn.

als je een textframe selecteert en daarna place moet het een tekst file of een docx zijn

Bedankt, maar mijn vraag gaat over dat AfDesign file extension.  Je hebt het gelijk in verband met .txt als ik de text frame selecteert, wat ik vreemed vindt is dat ik heb een aantal Tiff images geselecteered over het laatste dagen en elke keer kwam het verschillende opties voor.    (Als ik mijn nederlands klinkt niet goed -  ik ben engels) wat is xnviewmp?

Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

2 hours ago, Friksel said:

Yes, I think this is a bug too. I had the exact same thing last weekend and I never switched to text myself before, it was just selected by itself while placing an image. At first I thought it was remembering a last setting (eventhough I never opened a txt-file by the program), but now I see you are having the same problem I'm sure it's something in the software here. So maybe you could add thison to the bug forum indeed.

Ah excellent news, at least that means I am not inadvertently doing something.

Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

1 hour ago, haakoo said:

Sorry if I mistakenly took you for a Dutch person. :$ But thanks for the reaction in Dutch though :)
XnViewMp is a sort of Photogallery software https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/
It can show afphoto,afdesign files(not afpub though) it is great for drag/drop files onto pictureframes,textframes or to be used instead of place tool.
That's why I don't see that (maybe)bug because I never have to use the place tool.
Just a suggestion for your workflow :)

That was kind of refreshing to be honest, Lived and trained in Holland for many years, spent first three years banging my head and telling everyone that I would never be able to speak this awkwardly spelt linguistic nightmare, ah now it's a doddle.  Funnily enough on many visits to other companies when I opened my mouth some responded in German, have been told I speak dutch with a german accent....Mmm...

As for above, thanks Haakoo.

Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

28 minutes ago, haakoo said:

It can show afphoto,afdesign files(not afpub though)

Just in case you would like it to show afpub-files too: just rename them to afdesign or afphoto. The extension is just an indicator to show your filesystem in what program you would like to open your files. But afphoto = afpub = afdesign. It's the exact same fileformat.


14 hours ago, Friksel said:

Just in case you would like it to show afpub-files too: just rename them to afdesign or afphoto. The extension is just an indicator to show your filesystem in what program you would like to open your files. But afphoto = afpub = afdesign. It's the exact same fileformat.

Hi Friksel, I wonder if there is misunderstanding here, if so forgive me, but what I am saying is that all my files in that folder are afpub files, in the sense that I only have publisher, and they are inside a publisher doc.  Suddenly, and this had never happened before, when I go to PLACE img, the documents folder loads up as expected, but the file indicated is an Af.Design file extension.  This seems odd behaviour, please refer back to screen shots where I can not predict what will appear in that little file extension box, sometimes AfPub and sometimes AfDesign.  I do accept that the 3 file extensions are in actual reality, as far as code is concerned, just one file extension named three ways for convenience, but it seems a little odd that this should happen.  It is no big deal, I do not wish to make a song and dance about it, more curious to know if this might be a little minor bug somewhere that's all.

It won't affect my happiness and joy on this earth:D

Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

6 hours ago, Chris26 said:

Hi Friksel, I wonder if there is misunderstanding here, if so forgive me, but what I am saying is that all my files in that folder are afpub files, in the sense that I only have publisher, and they are inside a publisher doc.  Suddenly, and this had never happened before, when I go to PLACE img, the documents folder loads up as expected, but the file indicated is an Af.Design file extension.  This seems odd behaviour, please refer back to screen shots where I can not predict what will appear in that little file extension box, sometimes AfPub and sometimes AfDesign.  I do accept that the 3 file extensions are in actual reality, as far as code is concerned, just one file extension named three ways for convenience, but it seems a little odd that this should happen.  It is no big deal, I do not wish to make a song and dance about it, more curious to know if this might be a little minor bug somewhere that's all.

It won't affect my happiness and joy on this earth:D

Hi Chris, yeah, there seem to be a misunderstanding indeed. I understand the problem you are having with the file-filter in the dialog window. As I wrote, had the same thing happening last weekend, that's why I advised you to report it as a bug in the bug forum so Serif is aware of this and can put it on their backlog to fix it.

At the same time in your thread Haakoo mentioned a different problem he faces in his reaction on this thread; as I understood it, he says some viewer can show thumbnails of *.afdesign-files and *.afphoto-files, but can't show thumbnails of *.afpub-files. That's why I reacted to him he could rename his *.afpub-files to *.afdesign or *.afphoto without any problems, because all three files are exactly the same fileformats and can be opened in all three programs. No matter what extension it has. Inside it's the exact same fileformat with no exception. So if his third party viewer is not able to show *.afpub-files with a preview-icon, than he could just rename his files to *.afdesign or *.afphoto and the viewer should be able to show the thumbnail perfectly fine. Well, at least that's what I think it would do, because I don't have 'his' viewer.

Hope this makes it a little clearer ;)


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