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USB Keyboard and Mouse become unresponsive

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Windows 7 X64
16GB Ram

I use both a USB wired keyboard and a logitech wireless mouse.  The issue seems to be with the keyboard while using Affinity Publisher.
After a certain amount of time, random time passes.  The shift and ctrl keys become "stuck" which prevents selecting single elements, layers etc.. and certain keys become remapped such as ESC key becomes the windows key.   This ONLY and I mean ONLY occurs via Affinity Publisher, Designer and Photo after a period of time.   I also noticed certain features in the software become unresponsive over time, like selecting menu items, CTRL-Z does not work etc...    Closing the applications sometimes corrects the issue but most of the time I have to reboot.  Looking at the task manager Affinity Publisher is in the GB's of memory usage, 3 to +10GB and the entire computer just becomes unresponsive.

These symptoms ONLY occur when I use Affinity applications, no other application results in these behaviors.

I thought that maybe the keyboard or ports are failing but this does not seem to be the case.

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I just want to say that this experience with my keyboard becoming strange over time with the Affinity Applications in theory should have nothing to do with these applications.  I have a couple other USB keyboards and I tested them out on different USB ports and the same thing has occurred with each of them.   I ONLY experience this with Affinity, I first experienced this with Designer. 

Shift and CTRL keys periodically become "stuck" on.  I have to repeatedly press these keys to "unstick" them but over time this "fix" stops working I have to reboot the computer if I am using the applications for hours at a time.

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