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Hi, I use Adobe Acrobat for signing documents, creating & editing forms.

Can Publisher do this? I currently own a copy of Photo & Designer & would love to move away from Adobe completely!

My Acrobat is due to stop working on the next version of OSX, so I'm trying to plan ahead a bit.

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I went the direction that you are going, replace Acrobat with something else.  PDFelement turned out to be a fairly good replacement for Acrobat Pro 10.  That was the good news, the bad news is that their (Wondershare) customer support is amateurish at best.  They reply to your requests BUT they never seem to answer the question you ask.  It may be a language problem, they are a Shanghai company.

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  • 9 months later...

What would Affinity do with an Acrobat replacement right now? Publisher does handle placed PDF's well, no use of embedded fonts, it is unusable for me and many others who use PDF's from customers but do not need to change or edit them. Sure it would be nice for more competition for Adobe in this market, would be a great suite with Publisher, Designer, Photo, and PDF viewer/editor. I would not want them to go down that route though till they sorted out PDF issues with Publisher and really solidified their current line up. 

Not sure how they do it for the price they are selling everything for. I do wonder when the price increase will happen, guessing when they are ready for V2 release.  

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I use PDFelement.

The good news:  I am able to digitally sign document, it has a very good OCR, and I have used it to create downloadable pdf forms.

The bad news, their tutorials are amateurish and they omit many steps. By trial and error and with much frustration I have created a few "Crib Notes" as reminders.  I have also used Foxit tutorials (much better) to help me get over some of the rough spots

The best news, I believe that are running good sales now..

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