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Please work on the core features and performance

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Hi there,

with disappointment I'm noticing more and more that lots of the core issues for "Affinity as daily driver" haven't been touched. E.g. "Websafe Dither" still takes up to 10 minutes to process on a high-res layer (6000x4000px), sometimes locking up / crashing AP.

As mentioned the jpg-export takes forever now as well.

Performance improvements are unnoticable when working with high-res photos and multiple adjustment layers

Support for GPU has improved on paper only. I'm using 2 high-end GPUs in my Workstation, but most of the time only my CPU-cores are at 100% while GPUs are idle. When changing GPU-settings in AP as a result I experience more issues, like adjustment layers not rendering until I zoom, or rendering as black blocks.

I'm begging to invest less time in new features and more in stability for daily usage.


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My only gripe is that Designer crashes fairly constantly when I use artboards to do web banners and its several different sizes. AD does not like Ctrl dragging to copy and move layers.

Also, I think that Serif does development similarly as all other developers do. Their people are split up, some of the work on core features, some of them on the new ones, while someone works on fixing bugs. No human resources are taken away from core features. I might be wrong though, because Serif is a small company, so they might not have the manpower to dedicate people to distinct features.

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