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Publisher Workflow - Edit Linked Images in Photo

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I know what you're gonna say "StudioLInk!" You don't need to open it in photo you can edit it directly in publisher… it's Awesome!! And it is BUT when we edit images in Publisher I am pretty sure that it rasterises them and embeds them into publisher at the resolution that they appear in the document. Whereas a lot of times I will want to retouch the original image at the original resolution and resave it so that it can be used for other projects. there is an Edit in photo option but this open the document in photo rather than the image. SO just wondering is there an option to open linked images or is it currently best to go to resource manager reveal linked image in finder then open that in photo, edit and resave.

many thanks in advance


ps congrats on the release it is AWESOME!!!

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hi @Macmonkey

The edits done inside Publisher using the Photo Persona do not change the Linked files, I have just tested this by making some changes before I saved the published file, I then linked all the images and they are still in their original format. If you copy your edited image you can paste it into a new document and it will retain all of it's adjustments so that you can adjust if needed. If you need to save your editing changes for use in other projects then you might be better off using Photo for that.

Try a few different methods to see what works best for your needs.

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Hi @Murfee

thanks for your reply. Yep edits made in publisher don’t change the linked files :) I was a little concerned that when we make certain photo edits  in publisher that the files become rasterised at the document resolution e.g if you import a 300 dpi image and scale it down to 50%  (effectively now 600dpi) and then switch to photo and clone something out in publisher it rasterises that image so that it’s now a new image that is 300dpi @ 100% .so if you later decide that you need to scale it back up to the size of the original linked image then you will find that it is really now 150dpi @ 200%.

it’s certainly not a dealbreaker, and many photo edits will be live effects so they wouldn’t be rasterised, but I would recommend that any major retouching should probably still be done to the original file in photo rather than on the page in publisher. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts :)

best regards


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10 hours ago, Macmonkey said:

switch to photo and clone something out in publisher it rasterises that image so that it’s now a new image that is 300dpi @ 100% .so if you later decide that you need to scale it back up to the size of the original linked image then you will find that it is really now 150dpi @ 200%.

Hi Macmonkey,

There is a way around this, while you are in the Photo Persona add new pixel layer above the image that you want to clone, select the clone brush and then select the current layer and below in the context toolbar, you can clone on that pixel layer and your original Image remains as an image and is not rasterised. This also works for the patch tool, healing brush & the inpainting brush. It does not work for the blemish removal tool. Group your image layer with your new pixel layer and you can resize the group within Publisher. 

You can also use the selection brush on an image layer, very useful if you just want to make colour adjustments etc to part of an image. The flood selection tool will rasterise your image. I can't remember if the selection brush has always worked on an image layer or if it's one of the improvements that have been made to it.

Your original image will remain unchanged if you use these methods directly in the Photo Persona while still in your original document.

There is an option button in Publisher to edit image...this takes the image into a new tab, you can edit as usual but to get those changes into Publisher you need to close this tab...a save image box comes up, you have 3 options, don't save, save or cancel...nothing unusual here but I think that a 4th button would be a failsafe for some users, (new users in particular who are finding their way around the software...see the edit image button so this is what they want to do, I have concerns that some precious to them images could be overwritten) this 4th button would send the image back to Publisher with the changes but leave the original file intact, this is the way it works if you are using an Affinity Document. If the user chooses save then the options are Flatten Image...this option will overwrite the original image, save will create a new image in the Publisher file format. 

Hope this helps :)

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@Murfee that is perfect!!  It was that edit document/image button that I was missing :) That does exactly what I was looking for whilst still staying inside publisher ...awesome!! And I can also see your first method coming in pretty handy so thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, it is very much appreciated.

Have a great day




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