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I am trying to print some photo's in affinity photo 1.7 in documents I enter the size of paper A4 size and enter 7inch x 5inch for the photo but when I print the photo the come on the correct size of paper but the photo's come out as 7inch x 7inch ,could some one please explain why and how to solve the problem.I AM on  a Mac running Mojave 10.14.5.

regards Ray

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  • Staff

I can't seem to reproduce the issue on Mojave. Are you resizing the image using Document > Resize Document before going to print? If not try this method as our printer driver doesn't have an option to change the print size on the Print window.

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Thanks for you're reply did what you advised and the photo came out as I resized its there a way to change the position of the photo, it comes out in the middle of the page and I would like to get 2 7"x 5" prints on a A4 page.Sorry if I seem a bit thick but I have only just installed affinity photo and I am new to photo editing

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