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Small feature request: "remember settings" for refine Selection dialog

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When doing lots of similar selection-based edits (e.g. for product shots) it would be nice to have a "remember settings" option in the Refine Selection dialog, as is provided by Photoshop. Right now I'm using a macro recorder to fire frequently used values into the fields, but it would be better if Affinity had the option to remember the most recently used values itself. 

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  • 11 months later...

I would also like this:

Let me first thank the whole team for their work/software.

I edit a lot of images I retouch them with the 'Inpainting brush tool', I create a new layer to edit on,
and everytime I select the Inpainting brush tool I need to select 'Current layer & below'.

When I close the file, and I open the next new image, I create the new layer above it, select the inpainting brush tool, I start to paint and then I realise, it's not doing anything because 'Current layer only' is selected, so I need to reselect 'Current layer & below'.

It would be nice to select save tools/remember settings in the settings panel.


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