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I'm new to affinity. I have seen a lot of tutorials, which were very usefull so far. After I watched a tutorial, I try to do an exercise of that tutorial by my own pictures. Unfortunately the software (affinity photo) is getting really slow when using a lot of layers, filters and masks. As example: when i try to create a mask layer and want to use the paint brush tool, the realtime view is really slow when swiping with the mouse. 

I'm not using any other heavy programs except Affinity.

It happens in one of my recent edits (Top --> below): 5 adjustments layers, pixel layer, image with mask layer + live adjustment, 3 adjustment layers, image with mask layer + 3 live adjustments, 2 curves with gaussian blur, one background image with curves adjustment. 




I'm don't thinks this is about my laptop performance, but this is some information:

Laptop: Asus rog strix gl503vm

Ram: 16 gb 

CPU/SoC: intel core i7-7700HQ 2.80GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 GDDR5 3.0 GB (192-bit)




Sry about my english, in the video you can see what exactly happens.

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Hi Deathstrokexp,

11 hours ago, Deathstrokexp said:

Oh when I put all the adjustments off, and only use the backgroundpicture + paint brush tool, it's really smooth as normal.

If you've used a lot of Live Filters they can cause a slow down and using Layer>Merge Visible should help.

Merge Visible, which will produce a flattened raster layer of your current progress at the top of the layer stack. It's like Flatten, except you can still go back and manipulate your layers underneath in the layer stack.

You could also try this file in the latest beta from here as thats had some performance improvements and you may find it's quicker.  

Failing that, feel free to upload the .afphoto file to our Dropbox here and i'll take a look.  But i do suspect this is a combination of Live Filters causing the slow down and the Merge Visible trick should help.


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I've noticed slow issues as well.  One particular document has about 12 channels, as I'm attempting multiple luminosity masks.   It seriously took 15 minutes at least to save the project file.  That's on a i7-7000 desktop with 16 GB of ram. Other slowness issues involve adjustment layers on said luminosity masks.  I'm downloading the latest beta to see if it bolds better.

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