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Designer - 'File Type Not Supported' Error

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Thanks, guys. Yeah, I saw that too, but the funny thing is...it opened initially and there was content in it. I then exported to SVG (which worked), saved the AF file with the name listed in the screenshot, and can't re-open it.

(scratches head)

I've since just started over, but was hoping for some sort of idea as to what may have happened to prevent future instances. 

Thanks again! (tips hat)

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6 minutes ago, abeardsl23 said:

...saved the AF file with the name listed in the screenshot...

But that is an AD file extension. Were you using AD or APhoto? Just curious as it doesn't change the fact it is zero bytes, though.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi I just got the same problem. After I export the PDF file, I save the afdesign file. Then I tried to open the file again and got this error. The file suddenly turned to a 0kb file. Try to reinstall the program and it didn't work. 


I checked the recycle bin and found my file! I quickly restore it and got my file back!

There must be something wrong during the saving progress. 

I'm on version though

hopefully anyone reading this will find the old file like I did! 


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