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I'm using Affinity (Beta).


When I make 2 curves with pressure and then Expand this stroke, then I join both curves in 1 object with the pathfinder "Add" it make a lot of nodes and I think that is not to well have 500+ nodes in a curve that you can made with probably 3 nodes.. while y'all fix the problem, there any way to reduce the amount of nodes? Here I upload a picture for example:image.png.b713f9d7ed4ddaa87495067da5417c09.png

In the image, you can see in the top curve (Already fixed) compared with the bottom curve (No Fixed) and you can tell the difference.


I would like have a option for maintain the same aspect reducing the nodes. So, you can make any shape using the pen, pencil or brush and this option will help you to reduce nodes.


Another issue is, when you expand a stroke with or without pressure, it distortion the beautiful and smooth corner, look the image like example:




In the image, the stoke are the same size, the top one is with pressure and expanded, the second one is the original (No expanded) and the third one is with no pressure and expanded. I would like y'all fix it.


Another Issue is, when I duplicate a object using "Ctrl + Drag the object" it make like 4 or 5 more copies of the same object.


Another problem is, when want resize any shape using "Ctrl + Shift" for scale in the same place keeping the same ratio, of moment starting scaling like if you release the Ctrl Key but you still holding it, so, you have to release the key and hold press again..

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