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Cut a hole from a .png image

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I saved my 'mostly' vector image from AD and opened it in AP because my mostly vector image includes .png images that I need to cut. 

I used the Rectangular Marquee Tool and made a box. If I right click within the Rectangular Nothing happens. If I select the tree, right click and click cut, the entire tree goes away. All I need to do is cut off and get rid of the area under the Rectangular - everything else needs to stay. I need to do this with the tree and the background - I need a whole right thought the middle of the image. 

Please help! 


Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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Then first select the layers rasterize and combine (flatten) them, then retry with a rectangle selection and then press the delete (remove) key.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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Thank you for your reply. 

I can't flatten, I need to be able to bring this back into AD after and be able to move things around again. Also, when I do flatten it looks terrible. Pixely terrible. 

Is there away to cut through each layer without having to rasterize and flatten? 

Thank you. 

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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You're like the 5th person between here and the FB group that has told me to use that blend > erase, but I couldn't find anything that actually read Blend. It was this direction: "the dropdown in the top of the Layers panel" - that got me to look at the panel and not the menu drop down. 

Thank You So Much!! 

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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