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I have problem by typing directly some characters in a text frame. It is apostroph (') and tilde (~). Apostroph gives (›) instead and I need to type tilde twice (or type once and then spacebar). When I type twice I get two tilde characters. I have checked other characters and everything looks ok. I am using a desktop computer on windows10 and a swiss-french keyboard.

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Yes, for tilde I get them. So it is not a specific problem for AF Publisher. But the apostroph is still a real problem !!! As you mention you have similar problems with other characters. Hoping someone from developers team will take that problem in account. Otherwise we will have to post on another forum.

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The mark that you get when you type ' looks like a close single  quote mark used in some languages. Do you also get ‹ when typing ' before a word?

If so, this looks like the expected behaviour for smart quotes. 

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