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Very Strange Customise Tools behaviour

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Windows 10 Home 1809, Designer

I've noticed some very strange/unexpected behaviour when using the Customise Tools function (this happens in Publisher too).

See first attached GIF where dragging a tool can cause it to sometimes:
* snap back to where it was;
* snap to a weird position nowhere near where I dropped it;
* snap to the bottom of the tools.

See second attached GIF where dragging a separator can cause all kinds of weird issues such as:
* other separators going missing;
* the tools 'avoid' the dragged tool in unexpected ways;
* basically all kinds of weirdness that's difficult to describe, just watch the GIF and see how many issues you can spot (it gets a little bit more controllable by the end).



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Hi GarryP,

Thanks for letting us know. I'll get these passed on to development. In the case of the first GIF it looks like all the issues are being caused by not allowing an icon to be placed in the 4th 'empty' slot when you have a group of 4 icons.

With the second GIF it looks like when you first move a separator it removes the top one in the list, then when dropped another separator is removed. I'll also get that passed on!

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