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My efforts in Photo and Designer


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Still getting used to the whole photo editing and designing thingamajig. First one is logo Ive designed for friends Kickboxing club, its still WIP as I feel its not just there yet.

Second is me messing about in Photo using the Xenon brush pack. I did wan't to  try and use the smoke brush pack. But I just couldn't get it right and watching the creators Youtube 

video in slow motion still didn't help. 



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I have a few comments/questions/observations on the logo if you're interested...
1. Where do you see the logo being used?
I ask this as the 'distressing' on the roundel might not be something that's easily replicated on all formats, e.g. embroidered badges etc.
2. Are the spears important?
I have no experience of kick-boxing - or martial arts in general - but I didn't think they used spears. If you, or your friend, wants them then that's absolutely fine but they look a little out-of-place to me. You could try making them non-symmetrical so that they are at different angles and, perhaps, make one longer than the other. And maybe try making the spears thinner and trying rounded or slightly jagged ends, easy enough to experiment in Designer.
3. Some of the strokes aren't the same width as the others, e.g. roundel curves vs. nicks, spear-head 'base'.
Not super-important but it might be worth checking to see if that's what you want. Sometimes you do but sometimes it's better if they're all the same, it just depends on what you want and, sometimes, how the logo will be reproduced.
4. The typeface used for the lettering doesn't seem to fit the rest of the design.
This is a totally personal thing but I don't think the lettering style fits with the artistic style of the fighter. I would have expected something less 'fancy' but that's just me. Something with a bold/black look - maybe outlined - might go well.
5. The letters aren't properly centred within the roundel.
If you look at, for example, the first "T" in "TESTED" and the "G" in "...BOXING", there's a big difference in their distances from the edges. Sometimes you might want this, it can give a 'hand-made' look to something, but often it's a bit off-putting.
6. It might be good to make some of the nicks in the roundel cut into some of the letters.
If the nicks are where chunks of the logo have been knocked off then it's a bit suspicious that none of them have hit any of the lettering.
7. The belt looks strange.
At first I thought it was a stool and couldn't think why there was a stool in the image. Maybe shorten one of the ends so it's not as symmetrical. Or maybe remove the belt altogether and make the fighter a bit larger perhaps?
8. Could the glove nearest to the viewer somehow overlap part of the roundel?
I might make more 'impact' if the glove was to 'come out of the logo' somehow.

Anyway, while going though some of my ideas I thought I'd give it a try for myself.
I've attached my quickly-made version (without the fighter) for you to have a look at. (Note where the "T" and "C" have had to be 'stuck back on' quite crudely.)

Feel free to ignore any or all of my comments. It's your logo so do it your way.


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Thank you for the input, I do like your ideas. Might give it a whirl when I get some time to sit down and go over it more. 

I agree with the typeface and distressing, I was looking at something with the carved in rock look  and I keep messing up the  text to path for some reason hence why the letters are not in line (so to speak) also having different sized spears is not something I would off thought about.

Looking at your knock up design, it does look better with different sizes and the broken letters really does make it stand out.

 I wasn't sure about the belt being in there, I just wanted something to break up the bottom of the circle.  I will play a round more with figure to see if making him bigger will look better.

The overall look I'm after is battle worn or something knocked about a bit. The logo will be used on FB and possibly on t-shirts. 

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You're welcome.
I'm pretty sure there must be a tutorial somewhere that shows how to make something look 'battle-worn', or close to it.
Try looking at the posts pinned to the top of the "Tutorials" section of the forum.
Also, there are quite a few forum members who make T-shirts so they might have some advice on T-shirt-specific techniques and/or dos-and-don'ts.

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