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Affinity Publisher is getting better all the time. Just thought about pointing out a couple of points:

1. Although I have the images in the file linked, automatic replacing the new ones under the same name and folder doesn't always happen. Sometimes I can't get the images to be replaced even after closing and opening the document. I end up having to do all the replacements manually. 

2. This was a first, as on previous versions it has worked fine (I am presently using version 170.221). When converting a text balloon to curves, the balloon disappeared.

Windows 10 64-bit

Intel Core i-5-4210U CPU @ 1.70 GHZ, 12 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics Family

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Hi sdrum,

The automatic replacing of images seems to be functioning for me, can I just double check you have the option enabled in preferences to automatically replace linked images if the source changes?

Can you clarify what you mean by text balloon? Are you referring to the callout quickshapes? I have no issues converting those to curves currently.

Also just to note you are a beta build out of date, a link to the 227 build is on this forum so it will be worth updating.


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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