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How should I deal with using Arabic text?

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After some searching I've found out that Arabic text isn't supported. I use both Affinity Photo and Designer, and while I'm willing to wait for that feature to be implemented (please devs soon), I need a way to use Arabic text in my editing.

Any input would be welcome.

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On 1/8/2019 at 11:41 AM, Dan C said:

Another user has previously suggested the below site which reverses your text, hopefully this will work as a workaround for you.


This all kinds of programs and sites works only for one line of text, not for a big paragraph (The lines gets reversed - see image below). :( 

1820462525_Capture2.PNG.4a2747edaf83744bd4b8140e23957355.PNGCapture.thumb.PNG.66607c040ff381fa2bf612cd6905e582.PNG     untitled.thumb.png.04ef61d75c2ad9870192802c3b36e1f4.png

Does anyone have some idea how to use RTL in Designer/Publisher/Photo?

(my trial for Designer ends soon, i'm very impressed from affinity, but RTL work is on my daily bases...  i'm so disappointed, i can't buy the affinity apps (probably all 3) if i can't work with them , i need some workaround. Thanks in advance!)

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