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[AD] Is there a way to create vector-patterns that export to svg's <pattern>?

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For a project I need to add a <pattern> fill to svg elements. It's no problem generating them by code withJavascript, but it would be a lot faster if there is a way to create these patterns from the Designer-editor.

Is there a way to create vector-patterns in Designer that export to a <pattern> element on svg export?



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Hi Friksel :)

Vector Patterns are on our list of Common Feature Requests as we're aware many users would like this feature in Designer. The implementation of this should also allow Designer to export to a <pattern> element in svg , but it isn't currently possible. Apologies!

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4 hours ago, Dan C said:

Hi Friksel :)

Vector Patterns are on our list of Common Feature Requests as we're aware many users would like this feature in Designer. The implementation of this should also allow Designer to export to a <pattern> element in svg , but it isn't currently possible. Apologies!

No problem @Dan C. Thanks for your quick response and great to read it will be exported to <pattern> when available.


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  • 1 year later...

Dear @Dan C

thank you for the clarification. Is this something that will be implemented soon? I would really like to switch to Designer, but after few tests I realized I need that function, so for the time being I am stuck with Illustrator.

Thank you for the support.

On 10/22/2018 at 12:03 PM, Dan C said:

Hi Friksel :)

Vector Patterns are on our list of Common Feature Requests as we're aware many users would like this feature in Designer. The implementation of this should also allow Designer to export to a <pattern> element in svg , but it isn't currently possible. Apologies!


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Hi Lorenzo,

Welcome to the forums :)

Unfortunately there's no further update for this feature currently, my apologies. We do still hope to implement this however our developers prefer not to put time restrictions in place as things can (and do!) go wrong from time to time.

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